Proverbs 11:1-3, some wisdom for the day...

Today's verses are Proverbs 11:1-3 which read,

1 - A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is His delight.

2 - When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom.

3 - The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.

This is the Proverbs in classic form.  Each verse has both sides of the spectrum or both sides of the scales.  One side is what it right and the other is what is wrong.  One side is the wise decision and the other side is the foolish decision.  The point of putting them so close together is to see them side by side to learn what is right and what is wrong.  It seems that we are lacking that ability today more and more.

The Proverbs does not give us the "gray" area.  There is no "third" path or "middle" road to follow.  The Bible deals with black and white and we should be so thankful for that as our world gets "grayer" by the minute.

Verse 1 deals with a set of scales.  It is the classic picture of someone messing with the scales to read most likely in their favor.  It is being dishonest and it is called an "abomination" to the Lord to do so.  That word "abomination" means "a disgusting thing."  The opposite is to be "just" which brings the Lord "delight" which means "pleasure."  The old saying, "Honesty is the best policy" goes beyond it going well with us but also to God's view on the situation at hand.

Verse 2 deals with our attitude.  It is interesting that it says "When pride comes,..." and the word's root is "to boil" so pride is something that we create and what is the outcome?  "Dishonor" which means "to disgrace."  On the other hand, someone who is "humble" - to be modest in the presence of others and I would venture God here - brings "wisdom" which means "to act wisely."  Pride says "I want to be first in line and I will do whatever it takes to get there."  Humility says "I want to be in line but God's ways and will guide me to where in line He wants me to be."

Verse 3 deals with the way that we live life.  When you are "upright" there is something that will guide you.  When you are "treacherous" there is something that will destroy you.  When you are "upright" the label "integrity" is attached to you.  When you are "treacherous" the label "crookedness" is attached to you.  The key word of the verse is "will."  Sometimes the side by side comparison and the "matter of fact" statements are all we need to know which way we are to go.

So..."Am I honest in my dealings of life?  Am I humble with being modest in the presence of Another?  Am I reaping the benefits of following the path of holiness?"
*  Remember to look around at those you are worshiping with this morning.  They are the people you are to love and as you love them, you are displaying love for God and to God.

Pastor Adam


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