Matthew 2:10-12 says...

Today's verses are Matthew 2:10-12 which read,

10 - When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. 
11 - After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him.  Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
12 - And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way.

This is the story of the Magi and we usually attribute it to three because of the three types of gifts but we do not know exactly how many of them there were.  We just know that three types of gifts were given to Jesus, Joseph and Mary.  Some think this could have been a huge delegation but three fit well in our manager scenes and in our Christmas plays.

First notice their joy which was great (megas).  Second look at their rejoicing which was exceedingly (great).  Third look at their initial focus, the star.  We do see a lot of great things in our day.  I know that their have been many times that I have witnessed something and my rejoicing has been great and my joy has been really big.  A lot of that "rejoicing exceeding with great joy" was focused around the activities of our children.  It was like looking at a star (actually in my eyes - they are).

Now notice what happens when they come in front of Jesus.  "...and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him."  Now we are at a different level or a whole other expression that puts us face down and worshiping (to put yourself below in reverence).  If you came up to an earthly adult king you would get down on your knee and maybe kiss his ring but how low do you go to get below a baby?  It required them to go lower than before to be below in reverence to this king.

Is our worship of Jesus different than our cheering at the game or the school or the play?  Does it express itself more outwardly than just seeing the star?  In our day maybe seeing the star was giving "high fives" or "fist bumps" to each other but when it comes to actually seeing the king does it change to brokenness and humility and awe to be in His presence?

This is not something we can manufacture.  This kind of worship comes from an ever growing relationship with the One who is call Jesus.  This kind of worship comes more natural when we realize that we are in the presence of greatness.  So if I were to ask the question "How is your worship of Jesus?" it really should be "How is your relationship with Jesus?" because that will be shown in your worship.

I am afraid in our culture today that we are focusing more on the star (things to be glad about in their own right) and less on the baby in the manger (Jesus Christ).  May it be that we would realize His greatness and His presence that the cheering we did before was nothing compared to this moment with God.  The cheering would not need to be just louder but the expression of worship would show a whole different level of devotion.

Pastor Adam


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