Proverbs 2:19-22 says,

Today's verses are Proverbs 2:19-22 which read,

19 - None who go to her return again, nor do they reach the paths of life. 
20 - So you will walk in the way of good men and keep to the paths of righteousness.
21 - For the upright will live in the land and the blameless will remain in it; 
22 - But the wicked will be cut off from the land and the treacherous will be uprooted from it.

"...go to her..." is in reference to sin.  Earlier it uses the phrases like "...walk in the ways of darkness...",  "...delight in doing evil...", "...devious in their ways...", and "...forgets the covenant..." to give us the context of what "her" is.

What are we missing out when we stay in the path of sin?  I know that sin seems exciting and is for a time (I and all of you personally know this) but nothing will change until we see the benefits of following God are so much better then any benefits sin can give us.

We don't reach the paths of life.  We walk with bad men and their unrighteous ways.  We won't live in the land that God has provided for us.  We will be barred and removed from something so precious that words cannot fully describe it now.

Why would we sin and continue to sin?  Because Satan is powerful and His ways are crafty and He has plenty of help to keep sin looking to be "worth the risk." 

We need to be reminded of the ways of the Lord through our time in prayer, our reading of His word, our communion with the saints (the church), our worship of His name (individually and corporately), and our service of God with the gifts and talents provided by Him. 

When we are tempted to sin we need to remember that we are listening to Satan's voice from the Garden of Eden and asking us to pick between him and God.  Am I going to do this "my way" (following Satan's lead) or "God's way?"

May God's ways and the results of following Him grow so temptations just stay temptations and not lead to sin.

Pastor Adam


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