Luke 2:6, 7 says...

Today's verses are Luke 2:6, 7 which read,

6 - While they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth. 
7 - And she gave birth for her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room in the inn.
A young couple is traveling back to the town of their descendent's tribal home, Bethlehem.  It was more than 70 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem and through mountainous terrain.  The young lady was "great" with child and so this added to the urgency to get there.

A great adventure and I have always wondered what was some of the conversation between Joseph and Mary on that trip.  Did they know the prophesy about the Messiah being born in Bethlehem in Micah 5:2 and that is where they were headed?  Were they caught up in the idea of having a child and feeling the kicks from inside the womb or where they so wrapped up in the thought of getting there and protecting themselves from the dangers of the trip?

They would find only a feeding trough to lay the newborn baby because the sleeping accommodations of that little town where filled up with other travelers.  They made due with what they had and maybe that was in the plan from the beginning that God used the young people to roll with the situation.  Being young, this couple had no other resources but to trust what God would provide and it was okay.

Oh to be "young" in the Lord and look at the world so differently as you embark on a great adventure that has you trusting the Lord wholeheartedly.  What happened?  Many of us grew "older" in the Lord and the rooms in our life totally dedicated to you and the Lord started getting filled up with "other" things (many rationalized as good) and soon Jesus didn't even have a place to sit down.  Jesus was a "big" thing but now it is like we have banished Him to a place out in the shed "out back" with the yard tools that we only pull out when we "need" them.  The One who had full range of the home of our lives is in the shed hanging up with other tools that seem to be seasonal.

It happens to many of us as we get "older" in the Lord.  Sometimes we need something to shake us up and put us in a place that takes us back to our "younger" days in the Lord.  Sometimes we need God to flip our world upside down so that we will trust in Him as we did in the beginning that we would go and we would say whatever He said "just" because He said so.

Beware of having "no room" for Jesus no matter what your age is being around the Lord, and especially if that age is great.

Pastor Adam


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