
Showing posts from 2012

This is so much better than the original...


New Year Resolutions...

Here is a couple quotes from a blog I read recently...maybe we should take this into consideration. Nathan Finn Now that Christmas has come and gone, many folks are now turning their attention to crafting New Year's resolutions. I will be nicer to my co-workers. I will lose 10 pounds. I will exercise at least four days a week. I will be more patient with my children. I will save more money. I will read through all of Church Dogmatics this year. You know the drill.  Take a look at resolution number 28 of  Jonathan  Edward's 70. "Resolved, to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of the same."

Christmas Eve magic!!!

Christmas 2012!!!

I went back to last year's post and saw a picture that we have added to this year.  Our youngest fiance was just face on the screen via Skype but in May our family will officially have another member.  Another great Christmas service and Christmas Eve service.  My favorite place to be is in the sound booth during that time.  I love the vantage point and to watch the congregation respond to the videos and music.  I hope soon to have a video up of our church kids telling the Christmas story for you. Christmas for me is usually pretty practical which I love.  Underneath is a computer stand that I use on the coffee table (my real desk!) and then 3 books (Radical and Radical Together by David Platt and The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler) and a 1000 piece puzzle of a great winter scene and then a t-shirt that I will wear proudly.  I touch carrots every day!!! My family is so precious to me.  I pray for more ways to show them that I love the...

The Story of God video...


video must see about adoption...

The Joy and Gravity of Adoption

a must read from your pastor

Malachi 3:10 -  "Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house.  And thereby put Me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need." This verse came alive again yesterday.  Stephanie and I arrived at the church to find a post it note on the door that read something like this,  "Dear God, please help my friend (name).  She has no food and is allergic to (insert).  She lives at (address).  Thanks - a friend." An ambassador of God from the church was dispatched with a list of the essentials to pick up at a local grocery store that we have an arrangement with and the total was about $70 dollars.  A trip to the address found a retired mom waiting for her social security check.  A son and daughter and child had moved back home like many in our times.  They have just secured work but nothing coming in ye...

An audio podcast to listen to...

In light of recent events - Albert Mohler speaks on the issue of the killings in CT.  He is able to speak to a local pastor of the town who also has children of the age slain who is ministering to those who lost their little loved ones.  This is a good thing to listen to. Albert Mohler - special edition podcast I wonder what the society did when all the children of Bethlehem and the surrounding area were slain.  Would they have cancelled things community wide?  Makes me wonder if it might be a good thing for our whole country to stop and mourn instead of just plowing through. Adam

Another Christmas potluck at the church...

      It was a cold and becoming snowy night as we traveled back to the church building for our annual Christmas potluck with our church family.  We did have thoughts in our minds that it might be lightly attended because of the weather that was coming upon us but we leave the numbers to God and have learned to focus on the individuals that are before us.      What a great feeling when you have to combine tables of food and squeeze everything in so that we can use another table for seating people who have come.  The room was very full that night with God's family here joining for a grand feast.      The night was concluded by the singing of the Christmas carols, without instruments, just the voices of the people.  I have the rare opportunity each Lord's Day to stand in front of this congregation for the last 16 years and see the families of the church together for such events as these.  I scan the room for my wife, alw...

This is what I think every oncologist should share with their patients...

This is an hour long lecture from Dr. Donald Abrams would is an oncologist but now does integrative medicine.  I love his shopping bag of food that puts concrete to what we should be eating as cancer patients or in help of reducing cancer risk.  --Adam-- Here are the recommendations he refers to... Recommendations for Cancer Prevention These ten recommendations for cancer prevention are drawn from the WCRF/AICR Second Expert Report. Each recommendation below links more details. You can use these links to skip to individual recommendation pages, or you can start with the first and follow links from page to page through the entire list. Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight. Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day. Avoid sugary drinks. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods. Eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes such as beans. Limit consumption of red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoid processed mea...

Another great message by Tony...


Powerful audio of a gospel presentation...


This was a long time coming but so true...

This is from another blog.  I used to be so wrapped up in this.  I have used those books for fire starters a long time ago --Adam-- 10 Old Wives' Tales About Church Growth : Have you fallen for one of these superstitious church-growth myths?

Really cute song that I have said at times...

Friday Funny: Famous Last Words

Some quotes from what I am reading...

I got an early Christmas gift - a book - Radical by David Platt .  I want to give a couple quotes that I have been struggling with and changing within the context of the church when it comes to those making a decision for Christ or maybe better said to Christ.  Here they are. "So how do we respond to this gospel? Suddenly contemporary Christianity sales pitches don't seem adequate anymore. Ask Jesus to come into your heart. Invite Jesus to come into your life. Pray this prayer, sign this card, walk down this aisle, and accept Jesus as your personal Savior. Our attempt to reduce this gospel to a shrink-wrapped presentation that persuades someone to say or pray the right things back to us no longer seems appropriate. That is why none of these man-made catch phrases are in the Bible. You will not find a verse in Scripture where people are told to 'bow your heads, close your eyes, and repeat after me.' You will not find a place where a superstitious...

A sermon on biblical marriage worth a listen...

I listen to Joshua Harris on occasion.  Here is a great sermon on biblical marriage and also the role of the church.  It really ties in to the series I am preaching on through the kingdom parables.  We need to keep sowing Jesus. Joshua Harris  - such were some of you --Adam--

A new family photo....

Okay so here is the funny one but the other is to the right ---------------------> What a phenomenal Thanksgiving.  God made it possible for our family to be all together for some extended time.  As you can see our family is growing and each one is so special to us.   2 cabins rented, 1 rental van, a turkey from Michigan to Virginia and food for 9 adults, many rest stops, 1 trip to the capital and some serious board game time!!! The most blessed time was to sing together and be in prayer with one another.  I am truly a blest man. Adam

Another road trip...

We will be off soon to Virginia to get another look at that baby and also gather up a new family photo for the wall.  God has been so good to us to see this all come together and Steph and I are giddy with delight.  The vehicle will be packed full of good food and company for the trip so we are ready.  (I think?!) I think it will be 5 sermons to cover the kingdom parables of Matthew 13.  Each seems to be building upon the last and so next Sunday's will be on the treasure, the pearl, and the net.  It falls right in line to ask an invitation as Jesus does in a round about way.  One parable deals with a man stumbling upon a treasure.  Some come to Christ that way, just cruising through life and then usually something happens to make them look around and they see Jesus who was there all along just knocking and waiting for an answer.  The second deals with a man searching for a treasure.  Some come to Christ this way also.  They are activ...

There has been a transformation going on...

So a couple pictures to show the physical transformation going on in our lives but also so much more thankful for the spiritual transformation in our lives, the lives of others, and the church in general.  Our service last Sunday was as full of the Spirit as I have seen in awhile.  I remember Sunday night services at the little Turner Free Methodist Church where the 80 strong would belt out hymns in a building built for 120 maybe max and it would rock.  You could hardly hear the piano!!!  Now to see that kind of participation in this era with people just as excited about the Gospel and seeing His kingdom come and His will be done.  My heart was full of joy and I look forward to this Sunday. We are handling the kingdom parables of Matthew 13 and this Sunday we will tackle 2 of them.  The first is the parable of the sower when Jesus tells His disciples that 3 out of 4 will hear the Gospel but either reject it, go with it until they feel resistance, or ...

A great quote...

Here is a quote from this link: "Secondly, consider the example of the first century church. The world of the first century church was far worse than our world today. Slavery was common, sexual perversion (including homosexuality) was fashionable throughout society and especially among government rulers, poverty was the norm, while abortion and prostitution were standard practices. Everything we think is wrong with our society today was far more prevalent and far more pernicious in the time of Rome. As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. Nevertheless, the New Testament letters (written to church communities living in the midst of these immoral practices) never direct Christians to strive for governmental and societal change as a means of addressing these moral wrongs. Instead, the NT writers commanded the church to live a holy and called-out lifestyle while preaching the ...

So our America is changing...

Here is a audio podcast from Al Mohler that is very interesting.  He takes the stats of the voting and makes some conclusions on the division in our country.  Looking at the electoral map and seeing the closeness of the popular vote is very telling. Any way you slice it, it looks like we are getting to a stalemate in the whole process. Adam

So we are grandparents...

Well, technically we were grandparents about nine months ago, we just get to see the baby now.  Evan was born a couple days ago and is healthy and whole and to some great parents.  We were so glad to make the 12 hour trip each way to see the baby and parents for a few hours.  Laura's mom and dad are with her and Abe now and are in very loving and capable hands.  Here are a couple photos.  The first is of the new family. This is us with our turn at holding the baby!!! Last is a picture of both sets of grandparents. Our visit with Erica and Larry was truly a blessing.  We have not seen them since Laura and Abe's wedding.  We are so thankful and humbled that little Evan will have strong Christian spiritual heritage all around him.  We had a precious time of prayer before leaving that I feel was so important to do as a family around its newest member.  Thanks Erica and Larry for being who you are in Christ!!! God bless you w...

Another great video about really fighting cancer...

The battle against cancer is one I will journey through the rest of my life. I am so thankful for videos like this one that give me a platform of what to do. I am also thankful that Stephanie has an opportunity to put into practice these things now instead of later. I love his line, "Why doesn't the oncologist tell you this..." I found this to be so true. The integration of many factors working together benefits the body to fight cancer. Make sure to take a long look at his last slide. --Adam--

Random thoughts, pictures, and such...

First, a couple quotes I heard that are interesting to me. "If you are not prepared to be wrong, you are not prepared to be creative." "We are all born artists, but we tend to grow out of it." Here are a couple shots of craft shows that I am doing to unload some of the summer activities and another of the garden back under the hoops.  It is still producing greens for us. All who follow this blog, if you are the praying type, please lift up a prayer for a friend of mine named Lars.  He is in the hospital and suffering from different ailments that have taken him away from the farm he loves.  I am so thankful to see again though the family and the family of God coming to their rescue to give support and love during this time as it was done for me. We are now at the Kingdom Parables of Matthew.  7 power packed stories that we need to hear and understand if we are to operate as effective churches during this age.  I was so thankful to hear someone...

Great Monday morning song...

Here is Sara Groves performing "Eyes on the Prize" I love the line "I got my hand on the gospel plow, won't take nothin' for my jouney now." Also I am so thankful that I have seen a man, and child and family free because of the prize. Enjoy - Adam "Eyes On The Prize" Paul and Silas bound in jail Got no money for to go their bail Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on Paul and Silas thought they lost The dungeon shook and the chains fell off Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on Freedom's name is mighty sweet And one day soon we're gonna meet Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on I got my hand on the gospel plow Won't take nothing for my journey now Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on The way is slow, and we've so far to go Keep your eyes on the prize, The way is slow, and we've so far to go Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on Only chain a man can stand Is that chain of hand on hand Keep your eyes...

So my wife is now a blogger...

I am so thankful that Stephanie is doing this.  Actually I get to help out with the videos for the blog about restoring health through nutrition.  Stephanie gets to put out there what she is learning and showing some of it through videos on recipes and such.  A lot of practical advise from my #1 care giver.  Check it out.  --Adam--

Video on being a pastor...

Here is a link to a message on being the pastor of a church.  It has some very practical lessons from the scripture.  I think one line that jumped out at me is the realization of why I get down sometimes.  Sometimes the only time that I hear from my people is when something is wrong and maybe I will hear multiples of this on one Sunday morning.  Something needs to be corrected so let's tell Pastor Adam.  Many of the relationships a pastor has are one-sided and so isolation can set in fast when you don't keep pursuing relationships with others.  It is a lonely place at times and you can feel in the dark about a lot but God didn't promise that it would be easy.  His 5 points are well taken.  --Adam--

Getting ready for the craft show...

I really enjoy working with wood and using what I have.  So here is what I came up with. 2 reclaimed wood candle holder - table runners 2 reclaimed wood boxes 2 reclaimed wood garden boxes or center pieces 2 cedar desktop letter holders 2 cedar utensil holders 1 cedar box with holders 1 old box cleaned up from the dumpster I will be at a table selling Stephanie's animals this Saturday for her and hopefully we will be successful!!! Adam

A great article on preaching...

Ten Reasons for Expository Preaching by E.K. Bailey October 23, 2012 in  E.K. Bailey ,  expository preaching ,  Preaching with  4 Comments The late  Dr. E.K. Bailey , founding pastor of the  Concord Church  in Dallas, wrote a booklet, entitled,  ā€œTen Reasons for Expository Preaching.ā€ In this booklet, Dr. Bailey defines expository preaching: ā€œAn expository sermon is a message that focuses on a portion of scripture so as to clearly establish the precise meaning of the text and to poignantly motivate the hearers to actions or attitudes dictated by that text in the power of the Holy Spirit.ā€ Then Bailey gives ten reasons why the church desperately needs expository preaching: 1. Expository preaching creates a Bible-bringing congregation. 2. Expository preaching creates a Bible loving congregation. 3. Expository preaching a Word-conscious congregation. 4. Expository preaching forces the preacher to proclaim the whole counsel o...

A couple photos...

Here is the food at our latest nutrition meeting at the church... I am still picking greens from the garden in the middle of October... Adam

Getting ready for a great Sunday...

     I am looking ahead and planning and it seems to me that we will be able to get through Matthew 15 by the end of the year.  15 chapters in 52 weeks so we should be able to get through the final 13 in 2013 with some room to spare.  I am so enjoying going through this gospel chapter by chapter and verse by verse.  It is enabling me to walk "slowly" with Jesus through His life.      Something that I will be doing again this Sunday that I have found myself doing in the past but not really realizing it is to make an invitation right along with Jesus.  When I come to a passage of scripture where Jesus gives an invitation to follow Him or to be apart of His family that I just extent that invitation.  It is not me making the invitation, it is Jesus and right along in the text that we are studying.  I don't know why I had realized this earlier as a practice but I am sure to continue and encourage other pastors to do the same. ...

So we can be funny at times...

Here is the video announcements from church this morning.  We can get silly (especially Stephanie) but this lets you know that all is well!!! Adam

a great church video...

Watch this video that is about a church in Lansing.  Notice that it doesn't mention any of its programs.  I can't get out of my head the line about the Scripture being sufficient and that the Scripture would be central in all that we do. Adam

good teaching Some good teaching.  I can relate. Adam

It has been officially a year...

It has been officially a year that we have been juicing everyday and we have done it everyday.  1 quart to 2 quarts a day for one year.  This was just the start of going through the house and eliminating anything with soy or hidden msg, aspartame and high fructose corn syrup.  The cupboards were pretty bare but it left us with the real food.  The juicer has held up.  We went from the fine screen to the more coarse one.  When you think of thin juice, that is not what we drink.  It can sometimes hold up a spoon.  A mixture of fruits and vegetables along with some herb powders has been a part of my morning routine.  30 minutes to prepare. What has been the result?  Well I look at the total picture, not just the juicer but also the transition to a plant based foods that has helped me to recover from chemo and radiation.  I have not added the pounds previous to this whole event for over a year and a half so I have kept the...

A good audio clip to listen to...

John MacArthur speaking to our times The above is a link to a page with a couple of audio clips.  Pastor John speaks to some recent events and how it relates to the Bible. Adam

Men's Fall Retreat 2012

Wow, what a different retreat from last year. Here is my cooler for the weekend. I got in 4 nice rides over the weekend before I broke a spoke on the back wheel. My bunk and gear, church work is never too far away. Some great times around the firepit. Saturday I had the opportunity to hike 12 miles. Here are some pictures of my journey. It was a great weekend but so glad to be home to Stephanie. Adam

Another great video that keeps us going...


These are always some of the greatest photos from church...

     I think the number is up to 72 but I will have to check on that.  Our church in Gaylord at its finest when we see God's children take this step.  Our second child was the first one to be baptized under the authority of this church 16 years ago.  Sometimes that doesn't seem possible.      I had the opportunity to sit down with some church planters this week.  I have been given the responsibility to serve them in anyway possible.  I think it will be good for me to hear their stories  and dig up some of my own.  I have always hoped to help someone else start out a new work someday.      Tomorrow is Matthew 11, the second half of the chapter and it comes with some of Jesus' most stern rebukes.  No participation but plenty of input doesn't set well with Jesus.  First He addresses those that are not participating and then goes on to those who are not participating and criticizing and...

Great little audio book...

4 powerful points...

Andy Stanley, I echo this with you for our church. 1.  invite   2.  volunteer  3.  give  4.  pray Adam

As sweet as honey...

     Part of my regiment has been to take some raw honey on the comb each day to fight against cancer of the colon.  Another thing that I read over the last year.  A blessing is that a neighbor who raises bees has been giving Stephanie and I a great deal on the best honey I have ever tasted. Just recently with the honey harvest I got a call to take off their hands all the waste so it is a sweet day!!!      Another sweet day is that this is the first day since July 18th of last year that we did not pack my wound.  A visit to the surgeon later this month will hopefully call this stage of recovery done. It is funny that while I was having a little comb honey each day orally Stephanie was using a product called medi-honey on my wound on my other end.      I am always amazed at God's timing and He has done it again.  This Sunday night we will baptize those in the lake that have come forward and Sunday morning we are hand...

Look at what came out of the compost pile...

     Sometimes when you are not trying something comes out of nowhere to be a blessing to you.  I am sure I planted this hubbard squash last year somewhere but this year it came up on its own out of the compost pile.        Sometimes God sends blessings our way when it seems that we have done nothing to deserve it.  It just pops up out of the places that seem less likely visited.  That compost pile I don't spend a lot of time at, I just dump the compost and sometimes run because of the smell and flies.  God is able to bless out of the areas of our lives that are very smelly but still yielded to Him.  I am so imperfect but I continue to give him the compost parts of my life.      Adam

What is the Church? - Great Video


The wood season has begun...

     I had to start up one of the wood stoves this morning and look at how fast Kierra found the spot that she will utilize over the cold months.  Her and Toby swap off once they get thoroughly baked.      What a great day yesterday.  It was great to have really 3 weeks to work on this sermon.  Also, a Sunday away sure charges you up to hit the ground running.  The church is in full swing and the calendar of events is full of Bible Studies and worship services.  I think the thought that I will take away from Matthew 10 is that I need to go from what I say, to what I do, to what I need to be.  So many things are said but never done.  Things are done but maybe for the wrong reasons and usually don't last long if done that way.  But when you look at what you are to be, then what you say and what you do come a more pure heart and have such a greater impact.  Jesus' pep talk to His disciples before they hit the ro...

Some of Stephanie's friends....

Stephanie calls these "Kozy Kritters" and they just come out of her head.  Another college fund adventure this summer along with the bread making at the local market.  A little bit of our life outside of the work at the church.  It is amazing conversations that God has opened up at the market and new friendships we have made. Already planning a new stand for next year.  A project for the winter. a rainbow pig a blue octopus - a big seller a yellow dog a green turtle - also another big seller a pick octopus a bear that didn't hang around long the big blue bird our ponies don't last long on the stand the multi-colored octopus a duck a cute elephant a purple turtle the big green frog - Steph also makes a little version a moose a cow Have a great week and upcoming holiday weekend.  --Adam--