These are always some of the greatest photos from church...

     I think the number is up to 72 but I will have to check on that.  Our church in Gaylord at its finest when we see God's children take this step.  Our second child was the first one to be baptized under the authority of this church 16 years ago.  Sometimes that doesn't seem possible.

     I had the opportunity to sit down with some church planters this week.  I have been given the responsibility to serve them in anyway possible.  I think it will be good for me to hear their stories  and dig up some of my own.  I have always hoped to help someone else start out a new work someday.

     Tomorrow is Matthew 11, the second half of the chapter and it comes with some of Jesus' most stern rebukes.  No participation but plenty of input doesn't set well with Jesus.  First He addresses those that are not participating and then goes on to those who are not participating and criticizing and finding fault with things that are producing glory to God.  Jesus must have been upset with them but then He turns around and gives them an open invitation to come to Him.  Truth and love in action by the Master.



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