Random thoughts, pictures, and such...

First, a couple quotes I heard that are interesting to me.

"If you are not prepared to be wrong, you are not prepared to be creative."

"We are all born artists, but we tend to grow out of it."

Here are a couple shots of craft shows that I am doing to unload some of the summer activities and another of the garden back under the hoops.  It is still producing greens for us.

All who follow this blog, if you are the praying type, please lift up a prayer for a friend of mine named Lars.  He is in the hospital and suffering from different ailments that have taken him away from the farm he loves.  I am so thankful to see again though the family and the family of God coming to their rescue to give support and love during this time as it was done for me.

We are now at the Kingdom Parables of Matthew.  7 power packed stories that we need to hear and understand if we are to operate as effective churches during this age.  I was so thankful to hear someone new to our church say last Sunday after the introductory sermon, "I just didn't want you to stop!"  No pat on the back here, just the realization that people are hungry for the Word of God and I need to keep bringing it every time I can.

Last is that even in leadership type board meetings you can have times that God emerges and you feel just as challenged and inspired and moved as if you were in a great worship service.  Tuesday night was one of those for me.  I am challenged to keep my heart soft and deep and clean so that I will do what I need to do for the Lord.

Just some random thoughts for a Thursday.  --Adam--


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