a must read from your pastor

Malachi 3:10 - "Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house.  And thereby put Me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need."

This verse came alive again yesterday.  Stephanie and I arrived at the church to find a post it note on the door that read something like this, 

"Dear God, please help my friend (name).  She has no food and is allergic to (insert).  She lives at (address).  Thanks - a friend."

An ambassador of God from the church was dispatched with a list of the essentials to pick up at a local grocery store that we have an arrangement with and the total was about $70 dollars.  A trip to the address found a retired mom waiting for her social security check.  A son and daughter and child had moved back home like many in our times.  They have just secured work but nothing coming in yet.  She was just trying to get by until the first of the month. She was surprised by the visit and asked how we knew.  A note on the door was given.

When we give on a regular basis through the church, the storehouse is ready to give to people in need.  We have a direct touch with the need and high involvement with its delivery and also a higher impact with the message of Christ getting to that person.  That is why Stephanie and I give through the church like clock work.  Everything that comes through this house goes through God's hands first, from my salary to Stephanie's cleaning job, to her bread and even her animals.  We believe the greatest impact comes from the church having direct contact with the need.

I will report in a couple Sundays about the overall giving of the church to local families, regional ministries, missionary support, etc. and I am thankful that it is now over $22,000 for the year!!!  That only happens by us giving on a regular basis.

If you have gotten out of the habit of following this scripture.  I would highly encourage you to get back to it.  If this is not a practice yet, know that if you are ever in need, the church will be ready if we follow what it says so put God to the test on this as He says.  Make giving to God through this church that you are involved in a priority so that when we get even notes on the door - the storehouse is ready to respond.

Monday thoughts - Adam


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