Tomorrow the driving begins...

     Today was the last day before chemo and radiation and I am trying to make the most of it.  It was great to be on the golf course this morning to watch and very limited semi coach my son as he played his first round of the season.  Next was the opportunity to sit with a great couple who have been so special to my family and the church and be able to say to them how much they have been appreciated.  Their humble servant hearts are ones to model.  Finally to the gardens and the ability to till up the ground to prepare for the future fall dinners that come right from the ground.  Tomorrow I start 28 sessions of chemo and radiation in Petoskey that will end about May 20th.  I pray for God to give the strength to finish this part of the race.

     Another run through 1 Peter 3 again gives me the reason to say, "Make sure to look at the context."  This is a husband and wife passage but it is really about those closest to you coming to know the Lord.  We could get stuck in the roles but the context is about us having submission in all areas of our lives.  How does a Christian live under the government he is in, good or bad?  How does a Christian live under the employment he is in, good or bad?  How does a Christian live under the persecution of suffering for Christ?  How does a Christian live under the marriage he is in, good or bad?  The chapter starts talking to the wives, but it starts with the word "likewise."  Just like we submit in the above areas, submit in this area.  In verse 7 Peter turns to the husbands but also starts with the word "likewise."  Just like I have talked to the wives, you also should do.  It is not about roles but about your heart for your spouse.

     This coming Sunday marks Palm Sunday and the anticipation for Resurrection Sunday.  Who will God put on our hearts to invite to come with us to church?  They will be ready to answer and most likely the answer will be yes.



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