Another great Sunday...

     What a great day.  I am feeling great because I am on the second week and thankful that I actually get a couple more days until I start the chemo pills and radiation on Wednesday.  I am so thankful to see the progression of God providing what we need in line with the church.  God is putting together people who He has chosen to continue on the ministry of the church and also to see it branch out in areas that it has never been before.  I got to do double duty again today with leading the worship music time but I realize I don't have the lung capacity I once had.  But I guess it was great to sing all out for the Lord so much that I was asking Him for more breathe the preach.

     I think the part of the sermon that hit me the most today was the Old Testament account of King Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26.  A king at the age of 16 who was following the Lord and great things were happening for the country of Israel and then comes verse 15 and the phrase, "...till he was strong."  At that point King Uzziah became prideful and thought he could do things his way instead of God's way and God stopped him with the disease of leprosy.  King Uzziah ultimately died of it after reigning for 52 years.  The next time you hear his name is in Isaiah 6:1, "In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord..."  The prophet Isaiah saw that something happened when the person who was leading by man's ways instead of God's way was out of the picture.  God was back in view.  How I pray to keep my eyes focused on Him and keep His ways the way we do things in our church and in our home and in my life.  

     So this Sunday Peter answered the question of how to live as a Christian under the government structure of the land; and the question of how to live as a Christian under the employment that you have;  and also the question of how to live as a Christian under suffering that comes from persecution.  This next week in chapter 3 he will extend that to how to live as a Christian in our homes.  In each of these situations Peter calls us to live holy lives if it is a good situation or a bad one.  The situation does not give you an excuse to live otherwise.  Definitely a challenge to live by and to trace over the actions and words of Jesus with our lives.



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