Finishing up the sermon prep...

     Our passage this Sunday is 1 Peter 2:13-25 and I am going to handle it with the illustration of 3 teeter-totters.  The teeter-totter has a pivot point where both sides meet.  We are going to look at these teeter-totters as having equal weigh on both sides.

     The first pivot point is v.15 that gives us the will of God.  On one side is v.13 & 14 that talk about our relationship with the governing authorities.  On the other side is v.16 & 17 that talk about our service mentality to all.

     The second pivot point is v.19 that gives us the point that we will suffer unjustly at times.  One one side is v.18 that talks about our relationship with our employer.  On the other side is v.20 that talks about our actions during the suffering.

     The third pivot point is v.24 that tells us the Jesus is the Sin-bearer.  On one side is v.21-23 that talk about His example to follow in times of suffering.  On the other side is v.25 that talks about Jesus as the Shepherd bringing home His sheep.

     The greek word for "example" in v.21 is "hypogrammos" and it relates to a child tracing over the letters of the alphabet.  So Peter tells us to trace over Jesus' actions when we endure suffering from being treated unjustly.  I saw this last week on the TV show "Celebrity Apprentice."  One member was accusing another of stealing his supplies.  The accusing one used ever word in the book and threatened the other profusely.  The accused was one that gets picked on regularly but he did something in the face of the abuse.  He stood pretty much silent.  He didn't accuse back; he didn't threaten back; he did not raise his voice.  He stood long enough that they found the supplies of the accusing one and guess what the accused one did?  He remained quiet.  Later in the show I was thankful that the accusing one returned to the accused and apologized and the accused one received it and gave forgiveness.  It would have been so easy to have joined in the rage but the accused "traced" the example of Jesus.

     May God bless you weekend and if you are a part of GFF, I will see you Sunday morning.  I encourage all of you to make a time of worship with other believers a part of your weekend activities.  God Bless.



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