A couple days in....

     I will get to know this stretch of the road quite well by May 20th.  I am driving the 97 Honda Civic, so I am practicing my hyper-mile-ing skills with gas at $4.00 a gallon.  I am hoping to break a new record on the mpg.  I'm thinking of having a bumper sticker made that says, "At $4.00 a gallon, BEWARE I DRIVE SLOW!!!"  The sessions are only about 10 minutes for the 90 mile round trip.  I am feeling some of the effects of the pill form of chemo but I guess I am getting used to be feeling nausea and fatigued and a little punky feeling.  I hope this next week to have a date nailed down for my surgery.  It will be at least 3 weeks after the radiation is all done.

     I am pretty close to having my sermon complete for Sunday.  I am praying that this will be a great sermon for us to renew our passion to see others come to the Lord.  I also hope that this sermon will give us some practical things that we can do within the marriage relationship to foster not only salvation but growth of the companionship we have with our spouse.  God speaks so many ways through His Scripture and gives so many lessons to apply.  I have used the illustration a couple times this week about God being our authority and are we listening to Him when He says, "Pull over!"  Not only do we listen to Him but do we obey what He says?  Am I going to do this my way or God's way, and especially when it is a tough situation to be in?

     I found a letter this week that I don't know if I was suppose to find but I remember so well the person reading this at our church dedication back in 2002.  The line that struck me was this, "And here we are celebrating a church dedication in a beautiful building that will only stay so if the beauty of Jesus is seen in us, His people."  "If the beauty of Jesus is seen in us" is my prayer for myself and my family and the body of Christ that God has placed us in.



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