Sunday snow?...and a video from this morning's service...

     It is snowing as I type and it is actually sticking to the ground.  We can't seem to get rid of the stuff this year.  I need to keep the wood stoves going for a little longer.  I noticed this morning that I didn't have as much breathe for leading singing but it was great to worship together with God's family.  I was back on the treadmill yesterday for a short walk and hope to be on it again today.  Wednesday we meet with the radiologist and will post a new video of the news.  Below is a link to a video we showed this morning in church.  It really reminded me of the conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus.  It is a good reminder of why we do what we do.

     Our next section of Scripture, 1 Peter 2:13-25, will deal with our response as Christians in the world in regards to the government and work.  This will be a really practical sermon.  I love the last verse that says, "For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls."  I pray that our church would be a place where lost sheep are coming home.  I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to Resurrection Sunday (Easter) this year.  I am praying for a herding of the sheep for that day.

     One more note, a young lady in church today told of a miracle that her cancer was gone.  She told me that she couldn't believe what she was saying but that she thanked the Lord for the cancer.  She wouldn't be where she was if it had not been for this trial that made her walk back to God.  "Count it all joy..."  God is still good and God is still great and God is still in control.



  1. Hi Adam! It was great to meet you last week at the Pastor’s Prayer time. I wanted you to know that I continue to pray for you, brother. In fact, we prayed for you this morning as a staff here at Gaylord E-Free. I’m sure God will be faithful to you – He always is! Feel free to contact me anytime I can be of help to you for anything.

    Scott Distler
    Gaylord E-Free


    Scott Distler

  2. Thanks Scott...It was great to meet you too. I am having a better week and will keep you up on how things are going. God is good.


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