VBS 2016 wrap up

Yesterday we gave an invitation to the children of VBS out of the true story of Jonah.  God sent Jonah to the Ninevites to tell them of the doom that was going to come upon them and their city if they didn't turn from their wicked ways.  The Ninevites first had to believe in the God that Jonah was telling them about and then they responded to that belief with confession and repentance.  They admitted their wrong and they agreed with the God they now believed in and they asked for forgiveness to turn and live a new way, God's way.

God sent another messenger years later to us and His name is Jesus, God's One and only Son.  Jesus came to tell us about the direction of our lives if we didn't listen and obey the words and ways of God.  We are called to believe that Jesus did come from God to live and die on a cross for our sins and then rise again.  If we believe in God, the God who sent His Son Jesus, then our response is to confess and repent of our sins and follow after Jesus as a child of God.

Just like the Ninevites were forgiven, so are we forgiven when we believe in God and seek His forgiveness.  God keeps sending messengers to tell us about His Son Jesus and VBS is five days of sharing this message with the children.  Jonah ends with God teaching Jonah one more lesson about having a compassion and drive to love people enough, even your enemies, to tell them that message.  As a Christian, we now have the message of Jesus' sacrificial love and we are the messengers to others about a loving God who would do such a thing for us and others.

Do you believe in God who sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for your sins?  Now that you believe, do you confess and repent of your sins to receive God's forgiveness and eternal life?  God is now telling us to "GO!" with this message to others with a heart for those who are lost, who are Ninivetes, who need to hear God's warning so that they can experience God's love. 

"Thank you God for a great week to be face to face about what we are to be about doing as forgiven sinners in Your family.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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