2 Timothy 4:1-5 says,...

Today our verses are 2 Timothy 4:1-5 which read, 

v.1, 2 - I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom:  preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

These are the preacher commissioning verses.  A charge is given to Timothy from Paul from his cold dark dungeon cell in Rome.  It is like Paul is saying to Timothy to put his left hand on the Bible and raise his right hand.  He gives who this charge is before, God and Christ Jesus.  Christ Jesus who will judge all, living and dead, and He who will come again with His kingdom to be put in place.  The second coming of Jesus is never far from the telling of the gospel by Paul.  Take note that this is a solemn charge, a very directive command from Paul to Timothy before God and Christ Jesus.  What is Timothy commanded to do?

Preach the word and when is he to do this?  He is to be ready in season and out of season and what will this entail?  He will have times to preach that involve reproving and rebuking that come across as negative and also times to preach that involve exhorting with great patience and the giving of instruction that come across on the positive side.  On the top of the to do list for the minister of the gospel is to preach the Word when it is popular and when it is not; when he has to come across with a strong tone condemning sins committed; and when he has to patiently craft a message to teach and demonstrate the right path to take.  The important thing is that he is getting his information from the Word of God. 

v.3, 4 - For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

If there were two verses to describe the landscape of the modern church today it is these two.  The temptation is to set the Word of God aside for other material that is not as offensive and actually right in line with how you already live which is to please you.  The temptation is to preach to the applause of men when you should be under the weight of the charge given to preach the Word under the presence of the God who wrote it.

It won't be easy to preach the Word in a world that wants to hear something else and they will search out teachers that will give them what they want to hear.  They will go from sound doctrine to hanging onto false myths.  They will fill their ears with these myths while letting the sound doctrines of the Word of God set on the mantle.  They will search the internet for their favorite preacher who gives a message that is entertaining like a stand up comic bit or a Broadway show that leaves one walking away happy but not desiring to be more holy as God is holy.

How this is so true.  To be a preacher of the Word in a world of instant gratification to hear what you want to hear makes me appreciate each one who comes through the doors of the church each Sunday to listen to another message from the Book.  A decision is made to keep our ears full of God's words instead of them being tickled by Satan's myths. 

v.5 - But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Here is my rendition of Paul speaking to Timothy. 

"Timothy, you are to be different then those popular preachers of the day.  As they seek to win approval of others, you keep bowed before your King of kings and Lord of lords.  You will not be popular and you will have discouragement as you preach but don't stop.  Keep preaching the gospel so others can hear the gospel message of God's grace through the cross of Christ.  This is your ministry and so fulfill it by keeping at it.  The world is going to be doing something different but not you, you keep doing what I modeled before you.  I am in this dark cold dungeon cell because I kept preaching God's Word.  I will die holding onto the Word of Life and not lose anything but rather gain everything with a face to face with Jesus Himself.  Timothy, the temptation is great to fit into the world but you be fit to the Word."

Paul's words to Timothy are still so needed today.  As a preacher I take these words very seriously and I would encourage you as ones who are under the spiritual care of others to seek out those who keep to the Word and not the popularity of the world.  Seek out those who don't tickle your ears with their teaching and clever sayings but get into your head with sound doctrine based on the Bible.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, another Lord's Day to gather with the saints in a place dedicated to praise You.  May our focus be on You from start to finish.  May we see You in our fellowship, in our giving, in our singing, in our service to others, and in the hearing from Your Word.  Keep us hungry for You and more of You and may we not put ourselves in the place to be attracted to something that doesn't have sure footing.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


  1. loved how you showed how Paul encouraged Timothy, this is one of my favorite verses!

  2. Thanks Kim for the comment. It is hard going through 2 Timothy because I know they are Paul's final words to us. How God used him mightily to be the mouthpiece to the rest of us. Good to hear from you. Adam


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