Proverbs 1:8, 9 says...

Today's verses are Proverbs 1:8, 9 which read, 

Hear, my son, your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching; indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head and ornaments about your neck.

To have wisdom takes listening.  It takes listening especially to someone who cares about you on a deep level like your father or mother.  It is actually part of their responsibility to instruct and teach the children they have received from the Lord.  To parent is to dispense of wisdom through the medium of instruction and teaching and part of that delivery is done audibly. 

We could not listen and we could forsake it but that would be to our disadvantage.  The instruction and the teaching are described as a graceful wreath to your head and an ornament about your neck.  On your head goes a crown or maybe a winner's wreath.  It signifies something that distinguishes you from others because of this listening.  Not everyone has a crown or wreath and not everyone has a beautiful necklace around their neck to admire.  That crown and that necklace are not only noticed by others but they are reminders to you for what you have learned from your parents that you still carry around with you.  Here are a few that I carry around with me.

My mother taught me that humble beginnings can help me keep humble when God blesses me with more.  My mother taught me hard work, that especially paid off in the garden when you were eating the results of it in the dead of winter.  My mother taught me to quietly work in the background and allow God to bring about the times when He wanted me out front.

My father taught me to experience the world that God has given to us to enjoy.  My father taught me that even if you have less physically than others, (he had only one hand) it doesn't mean that God can't use you as much.  My father taught me that service to others brought something to yourself as a result that you couldn't get unless you put others first.

What have your parents instructed and taught you that is still upon your head or around your neck?  What things do you draw upon that are valuable to you?  I am sure that we all have things taught to us by our parents to not repeat for we are all sinners but what good things and especially spiritual things are not tucked away but put on everyday?  To parent is a tremendous responsibility because it goes way beyond food, clothing, and shelter for the children.  You parent to their souls to know about God and His love for them.

"Listen to the wisdom given you from those who love you" is the proverb of the day.  It might be your parents or it could be someone else who God has brought your way to instruct you in holiness that brings glory to Him.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, thank You for godly parents.  Thank You for their salvation and teaching me of Your salvation through the cross.  Thank You for continued instruction and teaching from them and others that I put on daily on my head and around my neck to remind me that I am blessed because of You.  I walk this day to glorify You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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