2 Timothy 2:20-22, says...

Today's verses are 2 Timothy 2:20-22, which read, 

v.20, 21 - Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor.  Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.

It would be good to remind ourselves that Paul is at the end of his life in a cold dark dungeon cell in Rome waiting his execution.  He is there because of his unrelenting confession that Jesus is Lord and not Caesar.  He is writing to Timothy, his beloved spiritual son with some last words and hoping Timothy can make it to Rome before he is killed for the sake of the gospel.  He has been instructing Timothy on some last things and also encouraging him to stay strong in the faith.

Paul's word pictures just keep coming.  He previous has introduced the soldier, athlete, and farmer images and now we are given the vessel picture.  In the house are different types of vessels.  Some are made of precious metals and used on special occasions.  They hold things that are to be seen by all and maybe consumed by all.  These are vessels that hold beautiful flowers or delicious meals and are out in the open for all to see.

There are also other vessels in the house that are made of wood and clay.  These vessels may be used more than the ones made with precious metals.  These unattractive vessels are essential to take away anything that has spoiled in the house or needs to make its way to the compost pile or the outhouse.  These vessels are under the sink or in the closet, out of view until needed and usually not seen by others outside of the house.

Both types of vessels are needed in the house for the house to run properly.  If the house is an image of the church, then these vessels are the members of the church.  Some have positions of honor, out in the open, for others to see and some have positions of dishonor, things done in the background or behind the curtain.  All these activities in the church are needed for the church to operate as God ordains and each type of vessel needs to be cleansed for use by Him.  If you are vessel of precious metal or a vessel of earthenware, you need to be sanctified, or set apart for use of God for wherever your good works lie, upfront or behind the scenes. 

You need to be cleansed of "these things" and Paul is going to give us another list of things that relate to all those vessels, no matter what type, in the body of Christ.  This cleansing comes from us actively and not passively following after Christ because He is our Lord and Savior.  It is a result of Him giving us the faith to see Him as He is and who He says He is.  God takes us, no matter what type of vessel we are, and prepares us to be used by Him.  What do we need to cleanse ourselves of? 

v.22 - Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.

All vessels need to "flee from youthful lusts."  In our youth we value pride, wealth, power, jealousy, self-assertiveness, an argumentative spirit, and ungodly sexual desires.  We are to flee from these to pursue the opposite.  We flee from pride to run to humility.  We flee from wealth and greed to run to generosity.  We flee from power to run to servant-hood.  We flee from jealousy to run to applauding for others. We flee from self-assertiveness to run to being a part of God's team. We flee from an argumentative spirit to run to obeying God's words.  We flee from unholy sexual desires to run to God's original design for His children.  We are cleansing ourselves for use of God in His house when we flee or cleanse of vessel of these sinful things and pursue or put into the vessel these other godly things.

It may not be that we be so concerned about what kind of vessel we are, one of precious metals or one of earthenware but the question "Is our vessel, whatever kind, cleansed and being cleansed to be used by God?"  The gold or silver vessel can look pretty ugly if not attended to.  The wood or earthenware vessel can breakdown if not cleansed after each use.  All the vessels are vulnerable for we are all sinners.  Paul instructs Timothy to actively keep his vessel cleansed before God to be used by God.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, thank You that it doesn't matter if we are an upfront, used out in the open child of God or a behind the scenes, used when no one is looking child of God, You have a use for us all.  We are all to be cleansed and to continue to cleanse ourselves of the things that wish to make us not ready for Your use.  You have cleansed us and now You command us to keep cleansed for Your service.  May we see Your words as the detergent applied to our lives daily to keep this vessel ready at Your fingertips to be put into action.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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