2 Timothy 3:14, 15 says,...

Today's verses are 2 Timothy 3:14, 15 which read, 

You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Paul, writing or dictating from his cold dark dungeon cell in Rome waiting for his execution, is wrapping up some thoughts to Timothy, his spiritual beloved son, who he hopes he will see before his death.  He has been making a huge comparison between those who follow the truth and those who do not.  The verses that we are looking at today bring it home for Paul as he directs his strongest words to Timothy with words like "you, however" and "I charge you."

Timothy is instructed to continue in the things he has learned and these things he has learned he has been convinced of.  He is convinced of them because of one of the factors that others have taught them to him and lived them before him.  Timothy has godly influences at home and a mentor in Paul along with companionship with Paul's other disciples.  He has been in the midst of brothers and sisters in Christ that are living out the truths of the Scriptures. 

We gather for church for the worship of God but many other things happen that benefit us as we gather together.  One of them is this effect to grow in the Lord as we are about one another.  We learn from one another as we listen and observe and participate in each others lives in fellowship and service.  This is a plug for Sunday School, small groups, mission trips, children's programs like VBS and Kids Klub, youth group and the list goes on.  The programs of the church are of great value to your continuing in the things you have learned and been convinced of.  Those you rub shoulders with in the church give you first hand information that you can see as they also live out their faith.

The teaching of the Bible is to be from childhood to death.  It is our responsibility as parents to give Biblical instruction in our homes and also for us as a church to supplement that instruction to children in the church.  "The sacred writings" is another name for the Bible and it has one goal to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.  The Bible has a lot of history and is a document that is invaluable to the telling of the overall history of the world.  The Bible has a lot of culture that opens our minds to other times and places.  The Bible gives us literature that is beautifully poetic at times and it also gives us true stories will great moral lessons of truth to pass down from generation to generation.  The world would be at a loss if the Bible was removed from the libraries of the world.

But the Bible's primary purpose is to give us wisdom about one event that spans from the beginning pages to the ending pages and that is the giving of God's One and only Son, Jesus Christ, as God's grace to us, to die on a cross for our redemption.  The faith given to us to believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God is the main purpose for the book we hold in our hands.  Our book report of the Bible would have a main point and we would put down one word, one name, Jesus.  The body of the book report would be a telling of God's love in sending Him.  The conclusion of the book report would be an invitation of Him to follow after Him in faith.

Tomorrow we cover more about this book that we are to treasure that we hold in our hands; the book that we should pick up more than any other; the book that never gets old as the Holy Spirit speaks through it to us to further understand this God who loves us so; and the book that explains our undeserved salvation given as a gift to receive to those chosen of God before the foundations of the world were set.  Have you picked up that book today?  Let's pray. 

"Lord, Your Word is so important in our lives.  Your Word is to be in our hands, hearts and minds.  Your Word points to You and points us to You.  Your Word needs to be heard in every corner of our homes and Your houses of worship.  May Your Word be elevated in our lives today and if we have allowed dust to gather on it, convict us to make today the day we get out the rag and clean off the book about You and Your salvation.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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