Proverbs 1:15-19 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 1:15-19, which read, 

v.15, 16 - My son, do not walk in the way with them.  Keep your feet from their path, for their feet run to evil and they hasten to shed blood.

Yesterday was the discussion about the enticement that will come from the world of sin.  The path they are following is that it is okay to take advantage of others for your gain and especially to take advantage of the less fortunate.  The call from them is to trust them as they distrust others.  Here is some straight talk wisdom from the parents giving instruction and teaching.

Look at how simple the answer is to this temptation.  "Do not walk in the way with them.  Keep your feet from their path."  If you are going to resist this temptation then you need to be active and not passive.  You need to make a choice of where you are walking.  You need to keep on the path that you have chosen.  Just because you have made the decision to walk a different path than the wicked it doesn't mean that the temptation is done, you need to keep your feet from their path.

The wisdom is that wisdom is presently active all the time.  It is on the watch to actively go in the direction that is opposite the ones who run to evil and hasten to shed blood. 

How active are you to keep on the right path?  I believe this means we need to go back to the little Sunday school song we learned and keep it in practice.  "Oh, be careful little eyes what you see, oh, be careful little feet where you go, oh, be careful little hands what you touch, oh, be careful little ears what you hear, oh, be careful little mind what you think, oh, be careful little tongue what you say."  Just because we are a Christian and following God's path this side of heaven doesn't mean that there will not be a need to keep yourself actively on that path.  Check all your body parts today according to the right path. 

v.17, 18 - Indeed, it is useless to spread the baited net in the sight of any bird; but they lie in wait for their own blood; they ambush their own lives.

The way of the wicked ultimately turns in on themselves.  What they are doing in secret to ambush others is actually doing harm to themselves.  The parent is trying to help the child see the end of such a life that seems at the time to be having all the fun and all the toys at others expense. It is self-inflicting doom.  They do things in secret because if they gave full disclosure to all about their motives and agendas then that baited net would be avoided.  So a trap is set to entice others to sin and to sin by taking advantage of others but that trap is sprung on themselves in the end. 

v.19 - So are the ways of everyone who gains by violence; it takes away the life of its possessors.

The proverbs will give us absolutes like this one.  "So are the ways of everyone..."  is an example of an absolute about those who make gains by violence.  The end of their life will be their life being taken away from the very things they so desire to possess.  They desire things and many times the things of others and life will end with death that takes all those things away.  The one following after God desires the things of God and God Himself and life will end with death that leads to possessing the very One that was desired after.  What a contrast when they are put side by side and also thought of side by side.  Taking a long view is a common theme in the proverbs in our instant gratification world.

The proverb today to keep your feet on the path that goes to the glory of God.  Keep your eyes, ears, mind, feet, hands, tongue, and whatever you can add to the list actively on guard against this pull of gain other than the gain of a life that follows after Christ.  Know that the pull will be there so prepare to not walk in it.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, wisdom from the parents to the children to keep watch.  Our walk with You is active and not passive and when it becomes passive, we get in trouble.  Help us to guard our thoughts and actions to be glorifying of You today.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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