2 Timothy 2:16-19 says,...

Today's verses are 2 Timothy 2:16-19 which read, 

v.16-18 - But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness, and their talk will spread like gangrene.  Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, men who have gone astray from the truth saying that the resurrection has already taken place, and they upset the faith of some.

Paul continues his instruction to Timothy and to the faithful ones that Timothy has been discipling and the others also who the faithful ones have been discipling.  Paul wants to make sure that Timothy gives them the information and also displays with his life how to deal with useless arguments and keeping to God's Word.  Our time in the Word helps keep our words and actions to help the hearers hear the gospel rather than lead them to ruin away from it.

This is the second of three times in this letter that Paul will focus on what we say to one another.  Communication is key and it is also very important in conveying the message.  Body language says a lot but our words can drastically help or drastically due harm.  The old "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me" is a very debunked little ditty we used to say that has no Biblical backing.  Sometimes it would be better to have the sticks and stones thrown at us rather than the words that cut to the core and linger there long after the broken bones have mended and many times those bones are stronger than before.  Unattended words keep wounds open for years in many cases.

Paul tells Timothy to avoid this worldly and empty chatter.  If you are participating in it then you are using up that time that could have been used for wholesome talk of the Lord.  It leads to further ungodliness just as wholesome talk of the Lord would lead to further godliness.

It spreads like gangrene.  Gangrene is hard to look at and it has a smell.  It is hard to get rid of.  Many times it results in cutting off that body part.  Gangrene is a serious matter just like participating in this type of talk that leads to ungodliness.  It has a terrible effect and it spreads to others participating in the same activity.  It cuts you off from chatting about the life replenishing words of God.

Paul then names a couple of guys who were spreading this worldly thought that there is no physical resurrection of the dead.  The only resurrection we would receive as believers is spiritual and not an actual physical one like Jesus' physical resurrection from the dead.  They had gone away from the truth and were leading others that way also.  This thought was spreading like gangrene among the church. 

v.19 - Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, "The Lord knows those who are His," and , "Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness."

Nevertheless, even though some are going the way of these two guys who are teaching something other than the truth that is doing harm, the church will stand and grow.  God will build His church and the gates of hell will not stand against it.  God's church will not be taken down by this worldly and empty chatter.  For God's church is made up of those who have been sealed.  They have the mark of God on them because God has chosen them and called out to them to follow Him.  He knows them and they hear His voice and follow after Him like a sheep after his or her own shepherd only.

They also abstain from wickedness.  They live a godly life in the midst of an ungodly world.  They pursue holiness among the unholiness of Satan's schemes.  They are not passive in their walk with the Lord but active to know more, do more, and be more like Christ.  They name the name of the Lord.  They profess with their mouth not empty and worldly chatter but that Jesus is their only Lord and Savior and follow after His words as the truth of life.

These are the people who make up the true church of God.  Timothy and the faithful ones and the others also are to see that following the calling of God and pursuing holiness has no time for gangrene worldly chatter that strays from the truth.  So lets take some time for some self evaluation.  Are you giving time and energy to worldly and empty chatter?  We sure have a plethora of it today with social media and 24/7 cable channels that number in the thousands.  That communication is powerful and needs to be recognized as something that can effect you and your spiritual growth.  Why take in something and participate in that which can harm you and others and not bring you closer to God but further from following His ways?  It doesn't make sense logically but we get sucked into it.

Put up those Godly guardrails were needed so that you keep on the road of being filled with God's information and truth rather than having your time and energy monopolized by things that are meant to do harm to you and to others.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, Satan is working overtime, 24/7, to pump out information that fills up our lives to focus on things that don't please You or lead to actions to be done for You.  Help us to cleanse our lives of anything that we have allowed in that is gangrene to us being closer to You.  We confess of our participation in chatter that has done harm to ourselves and others instead of chattering about You.  May we hear and follow Your voice today through Your Word and pursue holy living that glorifies You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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