Jude 14-16 says,...

Today's verses are Jude 14-16, which read,

v.14, 15 - It was also about these men that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying, "Behold, the Lord came with many thousands of His holy ones, to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him."

I am feeling like Jude is one of those kids in Sunday School that had all the answers.  He is pulling information from all over the Bible.  Jude brings up Enoch and even gives the fact of what generation he was from Adam.  Enoch was a holy man who was described as one who "walked with God."  This one spoke of the second coming of Christ when he says, "Behold, the Lord came with many thousands of His holy ones,..."

This is not the first coming of Christ in the manger because the Lord and His holy ones are coming "...to execute judgment upon all,..."  This happens at the second coming of Christ.  In the context of what we have been talking about, false teachers will come under the final judgment of God. 

The main word, actually used four times, is "ungodly."  We have "...the ungodly...their ungodly deeds...an ungodly way...ungodly sinners..." to be the main description of what is going on with these false teachers and leaders.  We are all "ungodly" and we have all done "ungodly deeds" and in "ungodly ways" but a distinction is that these "ungodly sinners" have spoken against God.

v.16 - These are grumblers, finding fault, following after their own lusts; they speak arrogantly, flattering people for the sake of gaining an advantage.

Here is another list of descriptions given so that we can discern the actions and motives of false teachers.  

"grumblers" - a murmurer, one who discontentedly complains (against God), usually in low tones

"finding fault" - the way of unbelieving Israel in the wilderness, the fallen angels, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Cain, Balaam, and Korah - a string of examples that Jude has given us of those who have found fault with God

"following after their own lusts" - sinful self-satisfaction, finding pleasure in sin

"speak arrogantly" - the literal is overswollen, puffed up

"flattering people" - marveling over others

"for the sake of gaining an advantage" - their true motive of speaking puffed up and in wonder of others is not for the sake of others but for the sake of themselves.

Jude is saying that these type of people who are going to receive final judgement from God have "crept in unnoticed" into the fellowship and he has changed his whole letter to address this one issue.  Tomorrow he will change the focus to us and what we are to do.  Today it is enough to know that we have a problem here.  "Houston, we have a problem," and it is a serious problem that churches have allowed to exist.  This is what happens when we don't address sin as sin in the body of Christ.  That sin grows and becomes "another gospel" or acceptable to follow and do within the fellowship.

Is it "okay" to act like this in the fellowship of believers?  The answer is "no."  We are not to be grumblers, fault finders, sin lovers, arrogant speakers, flatterers, self focused individuals.  All these actions are contrary to a follower of Jesus Christ.  Have you participated in any of them?  You know what to do with sin.

"Lord, I know that I tend to think of others when reading verses like these but I know that these verses are also written for me.  I can grumble and have.  I can find fault and I have.  I can love sin and I have.  I can speak arrogantly and I have.  I can flatter others and I have.  I can have self focused motives and I have.  I bow before You in repentance to not buy into and follow the way of those that Jude is warning me about.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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