3 John 5-8 says....

Today's verse are 3 John 5-8, which read,

v.5, 6 - Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers; and they have testified of your love before the church.  You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God.

Yesterday we learned that Gaius, the receiver of this letter, was a Roman who had heard and received the gospel from the Apostle John.  Gaius is loved by John and John is praying for him soul, mind, and body.  He is described as someone who is walking in the truth and it brings his spiritual father, John, great joy.

Another thing we learn of Gaius here is that he reaches out the hand of hospitality to other Christians that he knows well and those he just met.  As the gospel was spreading throughout the known world in the 1st century, traveling preachers would come through towns to go to distant towns.  Gauis would have taken them in for the night or nights and provided what they needed for their future travels.  This kind of hospitality for those sharing the gospel was shared among the church as a great act of love.

John is encouraging Gaius to keep on doing this love for others and it is showing his love of God, the two greatest commandments.

v.7 - For they went out for the sake of the Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles.

Now we see the depth of how Gaius helped.  He not only feed them and gave them a place to stay while they are traveling through his town, but he provided resources so that those missionaries could live among those they would be sharing the gospel with, "for the sake of the Name."  The church provided and Gaius provided personally toward their financial means so they could live among those they sharing the gospel with without asking anything of them, "the Gentiles." This could be one of the greatest verses in the Bible for what we are doing this weekend at the church and throughout the year.

v.8 - Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers with the truth.

This is as clear as it gets.  We are to support those who are going out with the name of Jesus with a hospitality that would care for their needs here and care for their needs there.  When we do this, we are participating as if we are there.  We are "fellow workers" along with them as they share the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I guess I want to say, "See how the reading through Scripture, chapter by chapter and verse by verse, brings up just the right passage for us to hear this week as we prepare for some traveling missionaries."  I pray this passage sheds light on the opportunity that we have this weekend and we can imitate the actions and attitudes of Gaius.  

"Lord, You are great and You are so all knowing.  You plant verses in front of me that prepare me for the work that is before me.  I can't always go physically to far off places with the gospel but You bring to me people I can share the gospel with from far off places and also those who are sharing the gospel in those places.  Help me to see the opportunities that You have for me to be a part of it.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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