Jude 11-13 says,...

Today's verses are Jude 11-13, which read,

v.11 - Woe to them!  For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.

Jude is using, in rapid fire, a string of bad examples to follow about the demise of the false teachers who had no regard for God.  He starts with the word "woe" which his half-brother Jesus used many times when He was talking to the scribes and Pharisees.

"...the way of Cain,..." - Cain brought less than his best to God and then rejected God's instruction and then took matters into his own hands. 
"...the error of Balaam,..." - Balaam was a prophet for hire and going to the highest bidder. 
"...the rebellion of Korah." - Korah and about 250 others rejected the God-appointed leadership of Moses and Aaron and received divine judgment.

v.12, 13  - These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.

Jude reminds me of a seasoned old preacher who after giving some Biblical examples then follows it up with a string of common phrases of the day to make his point.  Lets take them one at a time.

"...hidden reefs in your love feasts..." - The love feast was a common regular gathering of the early Christians to take communion and share a meal.  Hidden reefs are just below the surface of the water and can be a great danger to the ship sailing above it.  The false teachers were hidden dangers to those who were following the commandments of God.

"...clouds without water,..." - We look to the clouds for rain and we hope it does to help the crops we have planted.  The false teachers look like they might be a help but they are empty of the nourishment of God to the church.

"...autumn trees without fruit,..." - Autumn is the time of harvest and these trees have produced nothing.  What do you do with a tree that is producing nothing?  You uproot it and put in another.  The false teachers bring no fruit and especially when it is most needed.  We have been feeding them and tending to them when they should be uprooted.

"...wild waves of the sea,..." - Wild waves of the sea come from all directions and it is hard to get anywhere.  If the waves are going in the same directions you will be pushed along but a choppy sea is very slow going.  The false teachers hinder the growth of the Christian and the church with many options instead of the one way of Jesus.

"...wandering stars,..." - The shooting star is seen for just as moment and then it is gone into the darkness.  The false teachers may shine bright for a moment but their end and the end of what they teach runs into the darkness.

Let me see if I can string this together.

False teachers have rejected God's authority and instruction like Cain; they have followed the money like Balaam; they have rejected spiritual authority like Korah; they are in church but their hidden agenda is about themselves and not the sacrifice and love of Christ; they speak of hope and look like they have the answer but they are empty of real nourishment from heaven; they are planted in the church orchard but are not producing spiritual fruit; they are tossing the church to and fro and hindering our direction forward for God; and they are here today and are flashy and attractive but they are gone tomorrow after their 15 minutes of fame.

Okay let's turn it around.  Let's be the people who bring our best to God and obey His instructions; not be greedy and follow the power of money; submit to the spiritual authority that God has given us; worship God with no hidden agenda; look to God for our hope; be a Christian who are full of spiritual fruit; following the detailed direction of God; and looking upon a Light that never goes out.

"Lord, how we are attracted to what is new and shiny.  In the church are those false teachers who are promoting more of themselves than You and therefore appeal to that side of us who wants something different and less that total surrender to You.  May I see that it leads not only nowhere but actually farther away from the true, satisfying, fulfillment of following You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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