2 John 5, 6 says...

Today's verses are 2 John 5, 6 which read,

"Now I ask you, lady, not as though I were writing to you a new commandment, but the one which we have had from the beginning, that we love one another.  And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments.  This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it."

Sometimes John sounds like a broken record or better yet, the Holy Spirit keeps him writing down these words of God to love one another.  This is not new news.  We have had this information and commandment from the beginning and that's a long time.  Do you find comfort in old commands, those things that have been around and are tried and true?

I read labels and I find a product that is "clean" of things that I am avoiding (usually man made chemicals) to put in my body.  I start buying it with confidence and then one day I pick up a new batch to look at the label and behold they added something that wasn't there before, something "new."  There must have been some advantage to someone why this was done and I have a decision to make.  Do I buy it and think "oh well nothing I can do about it, it's everywhere," or do I not buy it and stick with my "old" ingredients that I know? 

Our world is ever changing and it is continually looking for something "new" and in some cases it is good, but when it comes to the Word of God John says just the opposite.  These commandments that are "old" are to be held, obeyed, and cherished because through them we show the love of God to God and to others.  Simply, as we walk (live our lives) according to God's commandments we show love.  Love is defined not as a feeling but as an action of obedience to God.  This is what is "old."

The prime minister of Israel spoke to the Congress a couple of days ago and what he spoke of was the "old" ways of solving a problem.  Some of the criticism that came through the media was that he didn't say something "new."  This thirst for something "new" has people looking for something or someone to satisfy a hunger that only can be filled by looking back to something seemingly "old" to our culture.

What is "old" can make all things in our lives "new."  This is an irony in following our God who continues to tell us of the "old" true path that we are to be walking on.  It is narrow and rugged and doesn't look as nice as the broad road with its finished curbs and nicely painted lines.  But the narrow "old" road leads to heaven and the slick "new" broad road with plenty of space leads to hell.

Don't get me wrong, I love "new" stuff and technology but when God says to follow the "old" ways, I find comfort in obedience in what He says to do.

"Lord, thank You for not changing the 'ingredients' of who You are.  Thank You for reminding me of what is tried and true according to Your words.  May I obey what is 'old' so I can tell You 'anew' this day that I love You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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