Galatians 1:13-17 says,...

Today's verses are Galatians 1:13-17, which says,

v.13, 14 - For you have heard of my former manner of life in Judaism, how I used to persecute the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it; and I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my countrymen, being more extremely zealous for my ancestral traditions.

Paul is giving us a picture here of his life before Christ and there are some important distinctions given here.

" former manner of life..." - A transaction or transformation has happened to say these words.

" Judaism,..." - Paul does not call Judaism the Law.  Paul would later detail extensively that the Law is to point us to Christ but Judaism is something different.  Judaism was created out of the rabbi's teachings and traditions which lead to works to righteousness rather than the grace of God.

"...the church of God..." - Judaism is not the church of God.  Actually this term that Paul gives to the followers of Jesus, disciples, and Christians makes a huge statement to identify the group as a group and that group is of God.

"...I was advancing in Judaism..." - Paul was getting good at following the works of Judaism and making a name for himself.  He was moving up the ladder in that religious organization.

"...being more extremely zealous for my ancestral traditions." - Judaism was based upon traditions and keeping those traditions.  Traditions had become supreme over everything else.  So many things had been added to the Law, probably at first to help keep the Law, but now they turned into something bigger than the Law and something to brag about.  Paul was becoming a master of keeping these traditions.

We had a chapter in the book we read in January called "I Am A Church Member" that warned against this in the church.  The chapter was titled "I will not let my church be about me."  The pledge at the end of the chapter read,

"I will not let my church be about my preferences and desires.  That is self-serving.  I am a member in this church to serve others and to serve Christ.  My Savior went to a cross for me.  I can deal with any inconveniences and matters that just aren't my preference or style."

v.15-17 - But when God, who had set me apart even from my mother's womb and called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went away to Arabia, and returned once more to Damascus.

"But when God,..." - Here comes the transformation that happened to Paul and its origin is God and Paul comes to recognize this.

"...set me apart even from my mother's womb..." - Paul starts to see the sovereignty of God.  What happened on the Damascus road was part of God's plan from the beginning of the life of Paul.  God's plan not Paul's plan was set in motion before Paul could make a plan.

"...called me through His grace,..." - Paul was chosen by God and then called by God.  The calling of God is through His grace and the grace of God is Jesus our Savior.  We have grace because of what Jesus did upon the cross and the triumph of the grave.  Paul is called by God through the grace given by God.  Do you notice all that God is doing here and not Paul?

"...I might preach Him among the Gentiles,..." - Paul was chosen by God and then called by God and now commissioned by God.  God gives something for Paul to do but it is not to advance himself but to advance Him.  God also sends Paul to those who were not his "slapping back, high five" buddies.  God send Paul to those who were sometimes deemed the "unclean" among those practicing Judaism.

"...but I went away to Arabia,..." - Paul was chosen by God and then called by God and then commissioned by God and now coached by God.  Maybe coach is not the right word but it kept the "c"'s going.  Paul got alone with God for a time to be trained by Him.  This time was crucial for the mission that God had given him.  The point here is that God was teaching him before he would teach others what God had taught him. 

The great transformation of Paul's life is that it went from a life all about Paul to a life that was all about God.  It went from a life to advance Paul to a life to advance God.  It went from a life where Paul was the center of his universe and in total command of where he went to a life where God was the center of the universe and had been in total command before Paul was ever born.

You have been chosen by God, called by God through His Son Jesus Christ, commissioned by God for something God wants you to do, and coached by God through His teachings.  Are you focused on God today or are you focused on you making a name for yourself rather than lifting up the name of God?
"Lord, I know that I can make Christianity about something different than what it is as the grace of God.  I can make it a set of rules like the Jews did with the Law and use that to get my fulfillment as I follow those rules better than anyone else.  I can make it about 'me' rather than 'You.'  I repent for moving the spotlight that I was commissioned to run to point it at myself rather than keep it on Your every move.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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