What has crept into the church...
In going through this passage of 2 Peter 2, we find out what Peter is really upset about. The church has gotten "sucked into" a different gospel that focuses on someone sharing something "new"; the "experience" factor minus the gospel; and the "greed" or selfish or consumer factor of what I can get from all of this. I can't help but think of an illustration I used a couple years back that we so much want to be at the head of the line for everything when Jesus said it would be best to serve the line. Then Peter goes on a "rant" about what is happening in the church. Here is the list with my commentary on the church of today. "do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones" - our respect for our elders and people of spiritual position in the church has eroded so much that it has spilled over in our respect for the "name" of God - in many churches "OMG" has become a common phrase in...