
Showing posts from June, 2011

What has crept into the church...

     In going through this passage of 2 Peter 2, we find out what Peter is really upset about.  The church has gotten "sucked into" a different gospel that focuses on someone sharing something "new"; the "experience" factor minus the gospel; and the "greed" or selfish or consumer factor of what I can get from all of this.  I can't help but think of an illustration I used a couple years back that we so much want to be at the head of the line for everything when Jesus said it would be best to serve the line.      Then Peter goes on a "rant" about what is happening in the church.  Here is the list with my commentary on the church of today. "do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones" - our respect for our elders and people of spiritual position in the church has eroded so much that it has spilled over in our respect for the "name" of God - in many churches "OMG" has become a common phrase in...

2 Peter 2 and false teaching...

     It just takes longer to get things done when you have cancer.  Little tasks become a little bigger and require a little more time.  Stephanie has said that I am quieter now.  I don't talk as much.  I think it is because I am so unsure of myself right now.  I know that I pray really hard before every sermon and go into the pulpit not as confident as I once was.  I think I fear that I will not recall all that I have studied even when I have a lot of it written down in front of me.  It could take awhile before I get that back.      Sunday's sermon was focused on how we can get sucked in to false teaching by just relying on what our eyes see and our ears hear, the senses.  We can get sucked into our fascination with something "new".  Also, we can get sucked in by what we can get.  This Sunday will be looking at how this has effected the life of the church.  Have we grabbed ahold of some of this fals...

Back home and tired...

     It had to be the wettest and coldest family camp that I can remember.  There wasn't even one cry to go to the beach all week.  Stephanie and I helped with the music throughout the week and I was called to preach on Thursday night.  By 6 o'clock pm I am feeling the drain so a night preaching assignment was a time to call upon God for strength.  My confidence in preaching is not what it used to be.  I am very unsure of myself when I get up there.  Many responded to the invitation to put the Bible back as authority in life to be listened to and obeyed so I give God the glory.        I am always amazed at how something written about 2000 years ago to the church is still very relevant today.  Peter is addressing the church about false teachings and teachers and their tactics and there is no problem linking it to today's world.  The first mentioned that sucks us in is the "new" factor. We are drawn to someone o...

Feeling back to normal...

     It is amazing how fast the body starts to respond when you stop putting the chemo in.  If I take a nap now it is because I have been working for it.  My days have been full of activity and probably will be right up to my surgery date.  I have been praying that my recovery from surgery will follow the pattern that I have been recovering from the chemo and radiation.  I have someone lined up for my first Sunday after my surgery to preach but I sure pray to be there to hear him speak.        This week will be full with our annual family church camp in Alpena. This is an event that I thought I would not be able to attend back in January.  I will be away from the internet for most of the week which will probably be a good thing.  I hope Steph and I can sleep in a couple mornings and maybe get over to the bay and throw in a line.  We will be helping with the music this year so I need to get out the singing voice aga...

A little better each day...

     I am so thankful to say that being off of the chemo is great.  I don't have to think about what pills I have to take.  I am getting more energy back each day.  I also can tell that my attitude and the lift in my voice is returning.  Optimism is rising as I look at life again.  I will take advantage of this month for the glory of God.      More time looking at the scripture has me stuck on the point that Peter said in essence, beyond what I have seen and have heard, we have the holy scriptures to show us the truth.  The prophetic Word came alive with the coming of Jesus and will again with the second coming of Him.  Peter took the eyes and ears off of himself and put them back on the surety of the Word.      How many times during the day do I refer to myself or something that happened to me or what I did or said?  Does it trump what God has said?  Is it all about me or is it all about Him...

Yes Jen, today is a "good" day...

     There is a wonderful lady in our church named Jen and she is always asking me how I am doing and many times all I can say is "okay."  I just wanted her to know that today is better than an "okay" day. First day not taking any chemo pills.  No pills at all.  This will be the practice up to surgery in July. First day I haven't conked out from fatigue in a long time. First fresh spinach salad of the season from our garden for lunch. First day to use my new bar and chain and accomplished about 2 cord of word cut and split. First day on the bicycle.  Just a ride up to get the mail and back (1.5 miles) and I think I was done it more with that than cutting the wood.  First run through of 2 Peter 1:16-21 for Sunday's sermon.  I was amazed at how Peter first tells us that he is an eye witness and then tells us that he is an ear witness and then says that even above that we have the Word of God as our witness.  He puts s...

Our youngest is looking at new places to tee it up...

Wolfgang commits to Spring Arbor Share New (0) Jason Wolfgang (center) with parents Adam and Stephanie Wolfgang. Jason has signed a commitment to play golf at Spring Arbor University.  ( HT - Matt Wenzel ) By Matt Wenzel, Staff Writer 11:27 a.m. EDT ,  June 10, 2011 WILDERNESS VALLEY Ā­Ā­Ā­ā€” In a house not much farther than a 7-iron shot away from Wilderness Valley golf course, lives 17-year-old Jason Wolfgang with his parents, Adam and Stephanie Wolfgang. Jason recently has signed on to play golf for Spring Arbor University, near Flint. Topics Golf High School Sports College Sports See more topics Ā» ā€œI chose Spring Arbor because itā€™s close to home and they have the program I want to go into,ā€ Wolfgang said. It sounds like a statement that any young man makes when making a higher education choice, but Wolfgang has taken a unique path to play golf at college. Even though his rounds of golf are consistently in the lower 80s, his name has never been displayed i...

Some quotes on character...

     Here are some quotes on character from a book called Louder Than Words by Andy Stanley.  I guess my mind has started working ahead again as I think about our fall men's retreat in the U.P. "Character is the will to do what is right, as defined by God, regardless of personal cost." "Character is the lubricant that allows our personalities to mesh.  Wherever there is a deficit in character, we pay the price in our relationships." "What makes the difference is not the ferocity of the storm but the depth of our character." "Often, when Christians can't make sense of what God is doing in their lives, they begin to compartmentalize - a religious side and a secular side.  But our heavenly Father is interested in every aspect of our lives." "When what grieves God no longer grieves you, your heart is hard.  When what bothers God doesn't bother you anymore, your heart is hard.  Character requires a sensitive heart....

New video update...

     Just on a whim and also a chance to spend sometime at the church, I decided to make a video update.  Thanks again, especially last Sunday for the special prayer time around the altar. Adam

God supplying our needs...

     A big weekend in the books.  This seems to be open house season.  My weekend included a funeral to officiate, Sunday morning services, an appearance at the local Relay for Life, an open house to attend, and I was about wiped out.  The chemo has sure shorten my work load.  Stephanie and I were thankful for some good friends and Benny who helped this weekend with a big tree that blew down in the last wind storm in our yard.  God provides good friends and wood for the winter supply.      I think I was at my lowest on Sunday morning.  I struggle in my mind of not feeling I am doing enough for the church.  I hear people saying that messages are good but I feel so weak in what I am delivering.  I preached on "God is in control" what I also preached at the funeral service this week because I had spent the most time on it.  Again, I set my mind on spending more time going to God about this Sunday's message. ...

26 years and counting...

     Today marks our 26th wedding anniversary.  We went back to the place where we spent our honeymoon, Alcona County Park near Glennie, MI.  It doesn't sound that romantic but for a couple of kids in love, it was perfect.  We didn't catch much today, actually we got blown off the lake but we both came home with a keeper, each other.      Now unto a very busy week getting busier but God provides the words.  Stephanie and I heard a sermon that we listened to not long after the diagnosis again this week and it was just the right time to hear that God is in control.  God is in control when we are suffering.  God is in control when it seems like it is midnight with our situation.  God is in control when our faith and prayers are weak.  God is in control when it seems like evil is winning.  The sermon used the story of Peter being released from prison in Acts 12.  He was suffering.  He was at a midnigh...