Some quotes on character...

     Here are some quotes on character from a book called Louder Than Words by Andy Stanley.  I guess my mind has started working ahead again as I think about our fall men's retreat in the U.P.

"Character is the will to do what is right, as defined by God, regardless of personal cost."

"Character is the lubricant that allows our personalities to mesh.  Wherever there is a deficit in character, we pay the price in our relationships."

"What makes the difference is not the ferocity of the storm but the depth of our character."

"Often, when Christians can't make sense of what God is doing in their lives, they begin to compartmentalize - a religious side and a secular side.  But our heavenly Father is interested in every aspect of our lives."

"When what grieves God no longer grieves you, your heart is hard.  When what bothers God doesn't bother you anymore, your heart is hard.  Character requires a sensitive heart."

"When an issue arises and the what to do is clear, but the why to do amounts to nothing more than 'The Bible says...', then you have discovered an area of your life that needs renewal.  You have discovered an area in which you are not convinced that God's way is best for you."

"Faulty thinking:
* I've always been this way.
* Everybody else is doing it.
* I can handle it.
* One time won't hurt.
* Nobody will know.
* But I'm in love."

"Renewal is a two-part process.  It begins with identifying the lies and false assumptions that fuel our attitude and actions."

"How well are you equipped to combat the lies you face every day?  When you are offered shortcuts, are you ready with an 'it is written'?"

"The practical side of character is all about loving others.  It is impossible to be right with God while neglecting this important command."

"Your going back may be the very thing that sets you and others free to move ahead."

"Forgiveness is the avenue for the most significant expressions of character.  Forgiveness is a nonnegotiable in our pursuit of character."

"Your heavenly Father wants to create in you the very character of the Savior.  His desire is to conform you to the image of His Son.  But this is a process--a process in which God Himself takes a personal interest."

"Psalm 15:
v. 1 - O Lord, who shall sojourn in Your tent?  Who shall dwell on Your holy hill?

v. 2 - He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart;
* (Their walk is blameless.)
* (They do what is right.)
* (They tell the truth.)

v. 3 - who does not slander with his tongue and does no evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend;
* (They don't gossip.)
* (They don't mistreat people.)

v.4 - in whose eyes a vile person is despised, but who honors those who fear the Lord; who swears to his own hurt and does not change;
* (They side with those who are right.)
* (They keep their word.)

v.5 - who does not put out his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent.  He who does these things shall never be moved."
* (They lend money to those in need without interest.)
* (They don't take advantage of people for financial gain.)

     It is a great book that I will be thinking about and building upon over the summer.  I remember reading this book as one of the books picked during my summer sabbatical taken 8 years ago.  



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