What has crept into the church...

     In going through this passage of 2 Peter 2, we find out what Peter is really upset about.  The church has gotten "sucked into" a different gospel that focuses on someone sharing something "new"; the "experience" factor minus the gospel; and the "greed" or selfish or consumer factor of what I can get from all of this.  I can't help but think of an illustration I used a couple years back that we so much want to be at the head of the line for everything when Jesus said it would be best to serve the line.

     Then Peter goes on a "rant" about what is happening in the church.  Here is the list with my commentary on the church of today.

  • "do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones" - our respect for our elders and people of spiritual position in the church has eroded so much that it has spilled over in our respect for the "name" of God - in many churches "OMG" has become a common phrase in response to anything and everything
  • "blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant" - our level of knowledge of the Scripture is at an all time low - we rely so much on the pastor or the internet (some search engine) or a television show to give us the quick answer
  • "they count it pleasure to reveal in the daytime" - sin, listed sin in the Bible has become something that we don't hide anymore - we are not ashamed of it enough to say "that's enough" - sin is a problem I will eventually overcome rather than something I need to surrender over to God to eradicate
  • "eyes full of adultery" - to commit adultery is to cheat on your lawfully wedded spouse - if we are true followers of Christ, we are married to Him but we have been cheating on Him through our ongoing sin
  • "trained in greed" - the church has marketed itself to reflect the culture of consumerism - we come to get rather than to give to God - we act this way because we haven't taken the time to be with Him and receive from Him what we need
  • "loved gain from wrongdoing" - sin presents loopholes that look inviting and also seem to present immediate gain - we succumb to what is easiest in the situation rather than what is right and godly, we sin and ask for forgiveness rather than going to God first for permission
  • "speaking loud boasts of folly" - much time in the church is spent on selfish desires and also self-image - "I" statements abound among us to build ourselves up - you will not find this in Scripture - there is only One that we raise up
  • "entice by sensual passions of the flesh" - if money doesn't draw us away then sexual temptations try to - what we watch matters and we watch way too much stuff that we shouldn't - we rationalize it so much that what was once not permitted in the movie theaters is now welcome in our homes - we are to be passionate about the things of the Spirit
  • "promise them freedom" - the church has tried to dress up the gospel message with all the stuff that you are going to receive - most of that stuff is portrayed as outside material things that will make your life more comfortable - take a look at the disciples' lives after Christ left and see if that is what they were promoting
  • "again entangled in them" - the church is seeing less and less conversions that are a dramatic transformation - there seems to be a spurt of spiritual growth and change but so many try to tag Christianity onto their lives instead of it ruling their lives - it is to encompass every area of your life, transforming your home, school, work ethic, language, goals, etc.
  • "turn back, returns, returns" - I have seen a lot of people who "try" Jesus for awhile - Jesus didn't just "try" to go to the cross - He laid it all on the line for us and continually asks us to do the same, not just "try"
     Quite a list written 2000 years ago that is not very hard to apply to the church of today.  What Peter was so upset about should upset us today as we look at how we are "doing" church.  Keep Jesus as your foundation and prime example for living, keep your Bible close at hand, keep your communication in prayer open to God everyday, sing worship of Jesus everyday, look for ways to share the love of God with others, and in doing so you will be loving God more and loving those He has created.

Adam - (update CAT scan on Friday)


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