A wedding today...

     In light of my recent health problems, I have had to say no to a couple of these this year.  I am thankful to fulfill this one for a special couple in our church.  Here is what I am going to talk about in my part of the service.

1.  God has created us equal concerning...salvation, His love, and His promises.  If we believe that God is God and God is good and that God knows best then we need to heed to His words.  God said that it is not good for man to be alone and that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and that roles are to be played out in this relationship.  The husband is the head of the house as Christ is the head of the church and as Christ did not abuse this position but actually sacrificed for it, so should we as husbands.  Always remember that your #1 earthly advisor is your wife, your helpmate.

2.  We have agape love, unconditional.  We have eros love, romantic.  We also have phileo love which I like to call shoulder to shoulder love.  In our marriage relationships we need to continue to build that best friend mentality through words and actions.

3.  We also need to pass apology school.  A passing grade is to say at times when needed, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I have no excuse, please forgive me."  A failing grade is when you add either the word "if", if I hurt you, or the word "but", I'm sorry but you did.  You just erased your grade and went from an "A" to an "F."

4.  Hebrews 13:4 - "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."  This verse holds a general rule and a specific one.  General in the sense that in our community we need to promote God's standard of marriage found in the Bible.  Specific in the sense that it starts in how we treat marriage in our own homes and obey God's words with our daily activities.  The consequence is given to be avoided.

     I am always aware that a marriage ceremony is attended by many and it is an opportunity for God's words to speak to more than just the couple at the altar.



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