Chemo is done!!!!

     I hope all can view the video below but for those on dial up, the chemo is done.  After 7 rounds of full strength chemo and another type of chemo with the radiation and chemo leading up to surgery and then surgery the process is in maintenance mode and we are glad.  These last rounds brought on different side effects and at the same time my body was recovering so that my numbers kept going up instead of going down while taking the chemo.  The oncologist came into the session already to change my treatment but after some talk said it was our call and he was supportive of us.  On paper I am a really healthy guy and you won't know I was taking full doses of chemo at the time.  Needless to say we are thanking the Lord greatly this day.

     So Sunday and Monday are great days for the Wolfgang's.  We can't thank you enough for your prayers and concern.  We still have a wound to see get completely healed but it will heal faster now that I am not on chemo.  We are also keeping up with our change in eating habits that contain more veggies and fruit.  

     We are so thankful that God did His thing in His way in His time.  I came across these 3 questions.  1.  Do you believe that God is in control?
2.  Do you believe that God is good?
3.  Are you willing to wait by faith until you see it?

My answer is "Yes".



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