Monday morning milling about...

     This is my good week when it comes to chemo weeks and it is also the opening week of bow season.  I was able to pull back the bow once this weekend so I hope to build back up my arm muscles that I have lost.  It would be good to spend some time in the woods.  A good friend who is also walking through cancer and I talked yesterday after church about how God is touching us and it was great to remind each other of "little" ways that God has moved in our lives and not forget when we were crying out to God for the "littlest" things.  God is good.

     We end 1 John this Sunday.  It has been a great summer study that has spilled out into the fall.  We will tackle the avenue of prayer; what to do when we see a brother sinning; living a holy life; and keeping our worship of God pure.  Last words are so important and John gives us these last instructions before ending this letter.  

     A point on prayer to make sure you are praying for God's will.  A point on what to do when you see your brother sin is to make sure it is something that you "see" not just "hear" and then start with prayer.  A point on holy living is that there is protection from God who stay close to Him and not listen to the predator Satan.  A point on worship is to get real about the idols of our world.



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