3 hours each way for 15 minutes...

     So another trip to Grand Rapids, 3 hours each way to spend 15 minutes in front of the surgeon for a follow-up visit to hear, "keep doing what you are doing."  Next time is in 2 months, just before Christmas and it could be the last for this phase of the whole process.  Health-wise I am bouncing back
from the last treatment.  Last night teaching at the youth group I could feel the "old" Adam coming back with the energy level.  I sure have had the side effects this time around that I will need to communicate to the oncologist a list of things that I have had happen.  The lastest is a rash on my bottom that is not going away.  I am just so thankful that it isn't bothering me, there must still be a dead zone from the surgery.

     Northern Michigan is turning cold and fall is getting brown.  The wood is cut and stacked.  The snow blower is on the tractor and the leaves are almost all taken care of.  Our church has been so good to us over this last year and a blessing has come our way to have a few renovations on the house happen in light of Pastor Appreciation month.  They have done so much for us that we feel a little guilty that they would do more but we will not hinder them from doing something in the name of God's love.

     First run through 3 John has been good.  A personal letter to Gauis that handles 3 personalities to look at.  John gets down and dirty with handling a difficult situation in the church.  It comes down to the question, "Who are you going to imitate, good or bad?"  I think sometimes we need to look at things that simple.  I get to lead worship this Sunday so I will be whipped by the end of this one.



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