Some freedom...

     Well, I drove to town and back yesterday.  I have to sit a little sideways on one hip but it is doable.  I am sleeping through the night and feeling the best I have since the surgery.  Oh, it makes me not want to go back to the infusion lab on Tuesday.  I am practicing with my bow and am able to pull it back more times each day.  Needless to say, life is really good for me right now.  I am still having my wound changed every day but the cavity is getting smaller and looking better with new cells forming.  Stephanie and I purchased a juicer to add to our transformation of more healthy living.  I have always felt that we have done well in this area with very little fast food, no pop in the house, meals made from scratch, and very little red meat concentrating on chicken and fish so now we will add additional veggie and fruit to the diet.  

     I feel I am ahead of the game with the sermon this week.  This will be the last one for 1 John.  John leaves us his last words to pray and specifically pray for those who are caught in the web of sin.  He instructs us not to gossip about it or broadcast it but to pray about it.  This will lead us to Jesus' instruction in Matthew 18:15-17.  John also instructs us to live holy lives but keeping close to God.  Satan will do whatever and say whatever and present you with whatever to get you to trust him so that he can do what he wants.  We tell our children to not take anything from strangers, don't go with a stranger, or even talk to strangers.  Satan needs to be our stranger.  John ends with a simple command about idols that make us look seriously at what we worship.  Common idols of our day we will need to unearth and find that line to see if we have crossed over it and made it our god.

    From here I am feeling that we will go to 2 John and then 3 John and then Jude.  After that I would love to do an Old Testament book and then come back for a major study on one of the Gospels.  



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