A chilly morning in Northern Michigan...

     The thermometer is getting down to the 20's each morning now and the wood stoves are needing to be tended more often.  There is a heavy frost on everything this morning, including the raspberries that we have been picking up to this point.  God supplied our needs from the garden, even though we were not able to attend to it like we usually do.  The weeds looked like they took over but underneath all of that was produce that survived.  The change of seasons means the change of activities around our house.  

     This Sunday marks the first of probably 3 or 4 sermons in the book of Jude.  We will learn of the authorship of the book, the audience of the book, and the agenda of the book this Sunday.  That is a great way and grid to follow when approaching any book of the Bible.  

     After establishing the authorship and the audience, Jude jumps right into the agenda in verses 3 and 4.  The gospel is being attacked and needs to be defended.  The attacks are coming from within the church, those who have crept in unnoticed.  It is so easy to "look" Christian but not really "be" one.  When we jump down to verse 12 & 13 Jude gives us 5 word pictures to describe these impostors:  hidden reefs, waterless clouds, fruitless trees, wild waves, and wandering stars.  

     I realize that part of my responsibility as the under shepherd of this part of God's flock is to protect and warn against such intruders and at the same time do it with the truth in love sermon in mind.  Those described by Jude are also creations of God, just not following His path but could.  



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