Happy 4th of July!!!

     After a trip down to the in-laws for a 4th celebration, now it is time to put some thoughts together about the upcoming sermon for Sunday.  It was great to see Stephanie's family and to hear of much support for us and especially Stephanie for the upcoming surgery date.  We have a wonderful family.

     Our study of 2 Peter is really coming together.  

These are Peter's last words.
Peter wants to remind us of some things.
1st reminder is what godly character looks like.
2nd reminder is that the Word of God is our "more sure" testimony beyond our eyes and ears.
Peter's issue to deal with is false teaching and teachers.
We get "sucked in" by anything "new" or just "experience" based, or focused on the "greed" factor.
Peter lets us see how this false teaching leads to sin within the church.
He gives us 2 examples not to follow, Lot and Balaam.
Lot represents someone who knows God but has not "distanced" himself from sin.
Balaam represents someone who knows God but is "participating" in sin.

     Chapter 3 starts with Peter directing our eyes and ears back to the Word of God.  The false teachers will scoff or make fun of some things.  In verse 4 they scoff the second coming of Jesus.  In verse 5 they scoff the creation of the world by God.  In verse 6 they scoff the event of the flood.  In verse 7 Peter reminds us that a day of judgment is coming.

      In verse 8 we get an explanation from Peter of looking at this from God's point of view.  If we take  Peter's time table which he takes from Scripture, then it has only been 2 God days since Jesus ascended into heaven.  Just 2 days in God's eyes and time.  In verse 9 Peter gives the reason for God taking His time, it is because of His grace toward us and wanting and waiting for more to come to repentance.  All this is for our benefit.  In verse 10 Peter gives us the reality that the end will come unexpectedly.

     Verse 11 is the "therefore" verse.  How shall we live?  Lives of holiness and godliness.  In verse 12 and 13, Peter gives us what we are waiting for.  This makes the framework of the sermon.  What people are laughing about?  What is the reality?  What is God's motivation?  What is to be our response?

     I walk away from this first run through with Peter acknowledging all these things that people today make fun of, the creation event, the flood event, and the second coming event.  Peter believes what the Word says above the scoffers.



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