4 days and counting...

     This is a busy week.  I am thankful that paperwork and study are coming easy.  Some of the symptoms that I started with seem to be coming back in a milder form after being off of the chemo for a month.  That lets me know that something definitely needs to be done.  I have yet to hear from the surgical nurse for a time but all that I have read says that I will be probably in the hospital from 3 to 5 days.  I got a call in to a friend I made in the radiation department in Petoskey who has the same type of cancer I have and a couple weeks ahead of me in the process.  He had a different type of surgery but at the same hospital in Grand Rapids.  He confirmed that symptoms started to return before going in for surgery.  His care was good and they were able to complete his with a resection.  Mine won't be able to do that but it was reassuring to hear of his report.  

     This will be my last sermon in 2 Peter.  I started the last Sunday in May so I covered 3 chapters over 8 Sundays.  I feel like we have covered this book better than any other.  I have incorporated a quiz in to see how we did.  This Sunday we end with the question, "How shall we live" in light of the fact that Jesus is going to return.  Peter gives us a very helpful list that are his parting words to the church.

We are to live as if we are expecting His return.  
This helps keep priorities right.  

We are to live a life that is at peace with God because of a right relationship with Him.  
This gives us strength no matter what we go through.  

We are to have words and actions that honor God with a pure life.  
This keeps us distance and not participating in sin.  

We are to be reaching out to others with the message of salvation.  
This keeps us in touch with the heart of God.  

We are to be studying the Bible so we will not wander from the truth.  
This is a life-long activity against all the world throws at us.  

We are to be growing up to be more Christ-like.  
This keeps our ultimate example for life, Jesus.  

We are to be in a state of worship from now through His return and throughout eternity.  
This keeps us thankful and grateful for what Jesus has already done.

     I think we will just keep heading through 1, 2, and 3 John in the near future.



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