Wednesday in the Word - John 6.15-21

Our "Wednesday in the Word" covers the passage found in John chapter 6 and verses 15 through 21, which read, v.15 - So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone. Jesus has just performed the sign of the feeding of the 5000 men not counting women and children. The crowd must have been totally blown away by what they had just experienced. "This guy needs to be our king. Free food. If Jesus can do this and give us physical food without working for it, what other physical comforts could He get us?" They were conversing amongst themselves and devising up a plan to force Jesus to take the place of their earthly king. Jesus would be a king like King David of old. The Israelite nation would rise again to prominence that it once was. The people could see no downside to this forceful action to write-in Jesus on their ballot. ...