Wednesdays in the Word - John 5:19-24

Let's get into our Bible passage this morning, John chapter 5 and verses 19 through 24, which read,

v.19 - Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner."

At the start of this chapter we find Jesus coming into Jerusalem to celebrate a festival.  He comes through the Sheep Gate on the north side.  There is a pool at the gate where many people with ailments are waiting to enter the pool when the water is stirred.  The superstition was that the first one in would be healed.  A lame man of 38 years is approached by Jesus and He asks him if he wished to be well.  The man wanted to but couldn't see past the superstition and was never first into the water.  Jesus gave him the way he would be healed.  All he had to do was obey what Jesus said in the face of 38 years of living by the superstition.  Jesus said, "Get up, pick up your pallet and walk."  The man did it and was instantly healed.

The problem comes in that it was the Sabbath and not only did Jesus heal (work) on the Sabbath but this man was caught carrying (work) his pallet or mat on the Sabbath.  The Jewish leaders want to know why he is carrying his mat and who told him to do so.  The man didn't know because Jesus had slipped away into the festival crowd.  Later Jesus makes himself known to the man and commands him to leave the life of following a superstition, a life of sin.  The man returned to the Jewish leaders and told them that the man's name was Jesus.

Jesus is now addressed by the Jewish leaders about breaking the Sabbath by healing this man, i.e. working.  Jesus takes them further to start saying statements that put Himself equal with God.  The leaders are not confused by His statements because they now go from trying to persecute Jesus to seeking to kill Him for saying He was equal with God.

In this verse, Jesus goes even further to make the connection between Him and God.  The word "truly" can be translated as "I'm telling you the truth" and to say it twice, "truly, truly" would be to make the point even more empathetically.  Whatever the Father does, the Son does.  Whatever the Son is doing is because He has seen the Father doing it.  Jesus' authority comes straight from the Father and not from man-made laws made up by the Jewish leaders.

v.20 - "For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel."

Jesus goes on to say that what they have seen so far, water into wine and a lame man healed, are nothing in comparison to what is to come.  The miracles that Jesus will execute are coming straight from the Father.  He will be doing God-like things because He is God.  It is interesting that Jesus includes that God loves the Son.  There is a loving relationship within the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Jesus also includes that these miracles are to make people stop and ponder the question, "Who is this man named Jesus?"  

v.21 - "For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son also gives life to whom He wishes."

There has been some raising of the dead by the prophets who spoke the word of the Lord and now Jesus is putting Himself in that camp of holy men.  He will raise people back to life.  He will not only raise people to life but it will be He who says who is to live again.  This is another way that Jesus is telling them that He is equal with God.  We will also see that Jesus is talking about more than just physical life being restored but spiritual life being born.  

v.22, 23 - "For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son, so that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father.  He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him."

Not only will Jesus raise people from the dead and be the one who says who is raised from the dead but this will raise Himself to be called by others "God."  The same worship given to God will be also given to Jesus.  The worship of Jesus is a requirement for the worship of God.  They need to acknowledge that God sent His Son to be "God with us" "Emmanuel" and the Son would be the avenue in which all are judged by.  Salvation is completely connected through Jesus as the Son of God and all who do not accept this, do not accept (honor) God.  These are some really bold statements to say to the Jewish religious leaders.  Jesus is going way beyond just stating that He is God.  Jesus is saying that He is absolutely necessary for them to know God in an honoring way.

v.24 - "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life."

Here is Jesus saying John 3:16 all over again.  He is giving them the path of salvation.  This is a doubly true statement as Jesus says again, "Truly, truly, I say to you."  For one to be saved he must hear Jesus' words and the word "hear" means to not just audibly hear it with your ears but to "listen to obey."  Those who have eternal life are those who believe the gospel message that God sent His Son to save sinners.  We confess that we are sinners.  We call out to Jesus as the only Savior sent by God.  We commit to live obedient lives in honor of God.  These are given eternal life.  These have passed out of death and into life.  They have been born again, made alive, and if we go back to verse 21, who gives this life to whom He wishes?  It is Jesus.  The judgment of God or the wrath of God will not come down on the ones who the Son saves.

This is Jesus giving the gospel message in the face of persecution and the plot to kill Him and He is not done yet so tune in next Wednesday to get some more of His words.  Let us pray.

"Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your Son speaking so clearly to Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman and her town and now to Jewish leaders about who He is.  Help us to communicate to others this message so that others will hear to obey and believe in the gospel of the God giving His Son, Jesus, to save sinners.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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