Last devotional of 2 Peter - 2 Peter 3:17, 18 says,...

Today's verses are 2 Peter 3:17, 18 which read,

v.17 - You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness,...

Peter is concluding this letter to people who he dearly loves.  He loves them so much that he would warn them of something that is coming and also about being "asleep" about the issue of desiring the Word of God.  He didn't just stand back and watch what will be, he spoke up for his dearly loved friends.

" on your guard..." - to keep watch not to violate something"...carried away..." - to lead away with or by
"...error..." - the wandering, the straying about
"...unprincipled men..." - one who gratifies his lusts
"...fall..." - fall out, fall down, fall out of
"...steadfastness..." - firm condition of mind

Keep watch not to violate something that you know and have been warned about so that you are not lead with or by the wandering ones who are gratifying their lusts and fall out of your firm condition of your mind about what you know about "the" Teacher, Jesus Christ.

I wish I would not have seen this verse in action but I have many times, with me and with others.  When I am not on guard about my spiritual life, it is so easy to get carried away but others who motives are contrary to those of our Savior.  You and I have "fallen off the wagon" or "taken a detour" on your walk with the Lord. 

v.18 - ...but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be the glory; both now and to the day of eternity.  Amen.

How do I not get carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from my steadfastness?  I grow in the grace (the means of salvation) and the knowledge (to actively learn) of what or who?  Peter strings Jesus name out now to four names.

"Lord" - he to whom a person or thing belongs"Savior" - he who keeps safe and sound, deliverer, preserver"Jesus" - God is salvation"Christ" - the Anointed One

I grow in the grace and knowledge of Who I belong to; the One who has delivered me but also keeps me; Jesus is God humanly showing that salvation; and He is the One anointed by God and spoken of in the Scriptures as the fulfillment of all.  If it is not enough to grow in the grace of what God did and the knowledge of Jesus who came then we are also to give "...glory...", agree and side with God's opinion, judgment, and view right now and everyday until His coming again.  That will keep us on track.  

It is really the crux of the matter.  We get our eyes off of God and unto other things and other people who have different opinions and judgments and views than our God who provided Himself as our salvation to keep us.  We fall "asleep" to how deep His love is for us, what He went through, and we get caught up in the immediate and forget about the imminent return of the Lord.

Peter ends with "Amen."  So be it, verily, truly, and firmly are all these things written before this ending.  Peter concludes this letter and essentially his life with an "amen" about Jesus.  May we do the same as we are on guard so we can continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Jesus to continue to give Him glory.

Pastor Adam


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