2 Peter 2:1-3 says...

Today we start chapter 2 of 2 Peter with verses 1-3, which read,

v.1 - But false prophets also arose around the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves.
These are in the context of some of Peter's last words and he is compelled to tell them about false teachers among them.  It sounds alarming and it is and it is today.  We don't like to think about it.  We would like everyone to be giving spiritual type of instruction with the highest motives but that is not true.  Peter wants to give some instruction to his readers of what to look for to not get caught up in something that is not going God's way.

The first is that they will be "...among you,..."  This does not just happen of the church or group down the street or on the television show but within the walls of the church.

The second is that they will "...secretly introduce destructive heresies,..."  They will share this in small circles instead of openly in the assembly.  They will make it sound like you have something that others don't have and you are better for it because you are one up on the rest.  What they are sharing leads away from "Christ alone" and unto something that comes to different conclusions than Biblical truth.

The third is that they will end up "...denying the Master..."  This is the question that needs to be asked in the face of all teachings.  If someone does not uphold that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, then they are teaching a false gospel.  If the word "but" is added to the salvation found in Jesus, then they are denying the completeness of His sacrifice on the cross and apparently something else that they have is needed.

v.2, 3 - Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
The fourth is that "...many will follow..."  This lets you know that the road is really wide and the way is narrow and few find it.  What they are saying will be popular and probably very easy to follow with temporal benefits.

The fifth is the element of "...sensuality,..."  This is a focus not on Jesus but on themselves.  The elevation of self rather than lifting up the Savior is the preached.  They are appealing to your eyes and instant gratification and not your hearts and God's will of heaven and earth.

The sixth is that "...the way of the truth will be maligned;..."  Instead of following our Jesus who gave His life for others, it will preached to that we will not have to sacrifice at all and actually we will get all the earthly desires that we want.  What we value as humans what is "the best" as our goal rather than what God says is best for our lives.  The glory of this world will be the focus instead of living for the glory of the next and living a life that is a living and holy sacrifice like His.

The seventh is "...their greed..."  Money comes into play so many times.  It is one of the gods of this world.  Jesus said that we can not serve God and money.  One of them will rise to the top.  False teachers will have some type of price tag attached somewhere.

The eighth is that "...they will exploit you..."  They will use that money and wealth and its lure to pull you in.  It is a huge attraction and we are people who love to compare or judge ourselves in relationship to what we have or what we don't have.  The only time in scripture that we are told to imitate others is in relationship to a faithful walk and there is no promise of earthly gain attached to it.  Those who said those words in scripture lived some of the roughest lives for the sake of the gospel.

The ninth is that they will use "...false words;..."  We need to be able to recognize that they are false.  We need to know the truth and continue to live in the truth to discern when something is not right according to Scripture.  The Holy Spirit has been given to us to guide us in the truth and so we need to make sure that we don't slide in this area of living daily for Christ.

The tenth is that they will see "...judgment...destruction"  What the Scriptures says about false teachers and prophets will come to pass.  Sometimes that judgment or downfall happens in our lifetime or maybe theirs but in the end, God's judgment will be rendered to those who follow these practices.  

I am sorry this is so long but it is so relevant to our day.  Peter is using some of his last words to warn his readers to stay on the straight and narrow.  In our world of endless information and enticement and ease, I am urging you to do the same.

"Lord, help us to see that they best path to take is the one that You have set and no other.  Amen."
Pastor Adam


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