2 Peter 2:10b-13a says...

Today's scriptures are 2 Peter 2:10b-13a, which read,

10b - Daring, self-willed, they do not tremble when they revile angelic majesties,...

Peter is continuing to describe the false teachers and prophets.  He calls them "daring" which means "not to dread with boldness and extreme conduct" and "self-willed" which means "self-pleasing and arrogant."  They do not "tremble" but "revile" or "vocally speak evil of" things of the supernatural world, "angelic majesties."  Have you seen this?  I see a huge pride issue here.

11 - ...whereas angels who are greater in might and power do not bring a reviling judgment against them before the Lord.

The way the false teachers are acting is not an action of the angels even when that action is being used against them.  To be holy is to act holy.  When fiery destructive darts are being thrown at you, are you throwing them back?  In times of persecution will others still see a difference because of the transforming power of Jesus in your life?

12, 13a - But these, like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed, reviling where they have no knowledge, will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed, suffering wrong as the wages of doing wrong.

Peter now described them as "unreasoning animals."  They are no different than the animals which live just by instinct and are captured and killed in the wild.  These false teachers who are speaking with pride to elevate themselves will also be destroyed if their lives do not change.  Peter then concludes this thought with a Pauline thought in Romans 6:23a - "For the wages of sin is death,..." when he says, "...suffering wrong (death) as the wages of doing wrong (sin)."  Many times the false teacher or leader will put themselves above what is in the Word of God.  This is another sign given to us to watch for in the world around us.

It begs the question, "Do I put myself above what God says at times or above His ways?"  Is His way supreme or do I even find pride in how long I have been a Christian or who I am in the church or my good reputation and it results in me thinking that I am above His law in this area?  "Others may struggle with that but not me, oh no, I'm above that kind of action."  You may not verbally say that but sometimes you think that in a prideful way.

It is very hard and maybe not possible to love others like God wants us to when we are full of pride.  It blocks us from seeing others around us as creations of God like us and in need of a Savior.  Pride stunts our spiritual growth while at the same time seems to fuel that we don't need it as much as others. 

"Lord, pride is a tale-tell sign of a false teacher but I come to my knees before you to confess of the sin of pride that I have said or thought before the people that You created and loved.  Lord, help me to replace that pride with the humility that follows You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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