A great section from a great gift book this Christmas...

Hi all and happy new year, 2015.  I have been reading one of the books that one of my kids got me called "You and Me Forever" by Francis and Lisa Chan.  You can download this book in pdf form at www.youandmeforever.org and also see some great videos to relate to the book.  It is definitely a book to read.  If you buy it, the proceeds go 100% to support various ministries including those that help provide shelter and rehabilitation for thousands of children and exploited women around the world.

So here is a section that really hit me that I would like you to read and to read slowly and maybe over and over again.  It is a section that I am still trying to get to in the world that we live in.

"Financial security is not a bad thing, but it depends on where you find your security.  When most people speak of this, they are referring to having a large retirement account to rest in.  When Jesus speaks of it, He refers to investing resources into the kingdom and trusting the Father to provide.

'Do not be anxious, saying, "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?"  For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.' (Matthew 6:31-33)

God promises that He is watching and is aware of your needs.  And He promises that He will provide all of your needs if you seek His kingdom and His righteousness first.  According to this promise, if I focus on furthering His kingdom, I am guaranteed my daily provisions.

The problem with this promise is that it's not enough for most of us.  As Americans, we would be angry with God if He only provided our necessities.  I have seen this played out over and over., where people question the existence of God because they only have slightly more than they need.

We live in a land of luxury.  Our government already promises basic provisions; God's promise is currently unneeded in America.  Though we may believe He would provide if the government does not, it is still a weak promise to us.  We want Him to guarantee us a certain standard of living.  We're not satisfied with a promise that He will meet our needs.

But for those who know contentment, this is a great promise.  If you can say with Paul, 'If we have food and clothing, with these we will be content' (1 Tim. 6:8), then you have nothing to worry about.  Ever.

We know that if we seek His kingdom, we will be fine.  God is aware of our needs, and He will meet them as He sees fit.  We will eat, but may not be able to eat out.  We will have clothes, but they may not match.  We will have water, but it may not be bottled.  For the content, this is a great promise.  It takes all of the stress away.  You never know what might happen to our country and economy, but the kingdom seeker is always secure.

I see so many building their own kingdoms.  By doing so, you might have a larger home, nicer car, and better food on earth.  Maybe.  But you're on your own.  You sacrifice knowing that God will provide for you regardless of what happens in our world.  For those who seek His kingdom first, however, we never have to worry.  Ever.  God will always provide, and it is a rush to watch Him.  For Lisa and I, some of our best memories have been the times when we watched God keep His promise."

Thanks Abe and Laura for the gift!  A lesson I am continuing to learn.



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