What a grand Saturday...

     I don't think I could have ever imagined the meeting that we had this morning at the church but I am glad for the love and support in that room.  We held our first meeting on nutrition and healthy living with the help of God and each other.  A lot of information was shared, maybe too much, but my prayer is that each person take away and put into practice one thing that was learned.  Maybe the year of cancer will be used to help others that are closest to me have a better life physically and spiritually because of what Steph and I have gone through.  Steph was so great in her presentation of the material that I see that what she learned in college and in life has not left her.  She could walk into any job dealing with health and pull it off.  Maybe my bias coming through there.

     Sunday is a comin' and the sermon this week came together without much fanfare.  Plenty of time to think and read and study.  Matthew 2 deals with 4 different types of people.  The first is Joseph who listens to intently to God to be guided by dreams sent by Him.  The second are the wise men who get up to go to Jesus to worship Him.  The third is the king Herod who opposes and is threatened by even the mention of Jesus' name.  The fourth is the chief priests and scribes who had the right answers but did not have the right actions.  I think there are very few Joseph's in our world who actively act on directions from the Lord.  I think there are a few more wise men who engage themselves in worship of Jesus.  I think there are a few Herod's who flat out deny and oppose and fight against the forward progress of the gospel.  I think there are many chief priests and scribes within the church who play the role and know the answers but lack the heart of worship to go beyond what they know.  My prayer is that the church I serve for Jesus would gain more Joseph's and wise men when it comes to worship.

     Always remember that worship is not only a noun but also a verb.  Let's come together for worship tomorrow to worship Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords.  



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