From Keller to Tripp...

     Some last quotes from Tim Keller's book "The Meaning of Marriage:  Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God" and then I will start Paul David Tripp's book "What Did You Expect?? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage."

"The husband's authority (like the Son's over us)
is never used to please himself but only to serve the interests of his wife."

"A wife is never to be merely compliant but is to use her resources to empower."

"A wife is not to give her husband unconditional obedience."

"Assuming the role of headship is only done for purposes of ministering to your wife and family."

     This time of year always brings some great conferences across the nation and through the power of the internet, even those of us who are not able to attend physically can watch online.  I have so enjoyed and grown and been challenged by the One Thing conference from IHOP in Kansas City and also Passion 2012 from 268generation in Atlanta.  Even though there are tremendous highs at these events and you come down to reality when you come home, we need those big events to open our eyes to the work of God across our country and around the world.  For those who are able to go and I hope to go again soon in the future, it is money and time well spent.  Just a side note.  I have to admit when I watch on of these that it would be cool to run sound at an event like that.

     The house is getting bigger as the dining room table is getting smaller.  Soon it will be just back down to Stephanie and I and the two dogs, Kierra and Toby.  I hope to have a health update by the weekend because we have an appointment with the surgeon this week to check on how things are going.  From our perspective God is healing me every day and we can only look back and marvel at how far He has taken us.

     We are going to have a nutritional meeting at the church we pastor this month.  We have been praying a lot about how we share what we have learned and also our passion for changes around the church that will help us to honor this temple He has given us.  As we work on information and presentation, we pray for Godly direction to present the gospel at the same time.  May what we say and what we do bring glory to Him, our Savior, Jesus Christ.



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