So here we go, a post every day in 2012, we will see...

     It is amazing how God can use so many different things to touch people's lives for good.  I met a guy this morning after church that was totally different than I have ever known him and it was all because of God speaking to him through the message in the movie last night.  He made a connection with the characters on the screen and made the jump to the God of the Bible.  Never under estimate the power of God and the love of God and the grace of God and the tenacity of God.

     Sermon #1 of 2012 is done.  It was a stand alone sermon on resolutions, Biblical ones.  I am so thankful that the Apostle Paul said it was a practice of the mature to keep pressing onto Christ.  We usually think of the new Christian as one with a lot of change for God going on in their lives but Paul says that the mature should be making resolutions that focus on our growth with a deeper walk with Christ.  I also went to the Old Testament passage of Daniel 1 and talked about being faithful in the "little" things (in this case the diet given to Daniel and his friends) so to be faithful in the "larger" things (the lion's den and the fiery furnace).  What is the "little" thing that you have been letting slide by thinking it won't do much harm or in what area of your life have you "taken your hands off the wheel"?

     A few more quotes from Tim Keller's "The Meaning of Marriage":

"First, you have to find a very safe place to practice headship and submission.
It is only safe for us sinners to attempt to resume our royal heritage and our creation gifts
of gender roles where resources such as repentance and forgiveness can be
(and very often will need to be) accessed."

"If a man or a woman wishes to bring him- or herself more fully into the biblically
defined gender roles, it does not actually require assent from the other person.
Since both the headship role of a husband and the submission role as a wife
are servant roles, on can always begin to serve without waiting for permission."

     The snow is falling in northern Michigan with a possible 10 to 12 inches by tomorrow evening.  I guess the tractor and snowblower will get used in the near future.  Even though it gets a chore to push it around, if we get enough snow to snowshoe (something I only did a couple times last year) it will be worth it to cut a few trails through the woods.



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