More study, more insight, more application...

     Sometimes I think I am done with the sermon but as I go through it again God brings out more.  At times I have to go back and change the bulletin outlines and sermon slides.  Sometimes it is just one phrase in the passage that jumps out at me.  Today is was "our heart condemns us."

     After reading so far through 1 John, John has given us plenty of things that could condemn our hearts, mainly the tests if you are a "real" Christian.  If you are faking being a Christian by Biblical standards then your heart is going to condemn you.  What about the Christian who has a heart condemning them?  The Bible gives us some common areas.  Matthew 5:23, 24 says our heart will condemn us if we are not right with our brother and are told to go now, not later.  1 Peter 3:7 says our heart will condemn us if we are not right with our spouse and our prayers will be hindered because of it.  Psalm 66:18, 19 says our heart will condemn us if we have sin sitting in our lives and the Lord will not listen to us unless we come to Him in confession.  

     The outcome of "our heart does not condemn us" is a person who is believes in the name of His Son Jesus Christ; keeps His commandments; do what pleases Him; loves one another; and has the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  When that person prays, he will be praying for God's will as it says in 1 John 5:14.  That person is going to be praying much differently than someone who is "playing" or "in name only" Christian.  Am I someone whose "heart does not condemn me?"  



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