Prayer week #2

We have ventured into week 2 of our prayer time in the sanctuary at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday.  It was back in late August and early September that we had our first prayer week venture.  We had no problem scheduling the second one for last week.  To continue on came out of the group gathered and so I find myself in the sanctuary of our church early each morning setting up the computer and music, turning on the Christmas lights, and arranging the prayer request cards that have come in.

We start with a central focus given to us by the Scriptures and start with an opening prayer.  We start the music and then take our own postures of prayer.  Some walk the sanctuary.  Some immediately go to the altar area and kneel over some of the request cards.  Some stay in a pew or get some cards and go back to the pew.  After about 50 minutes, we gather back up and share some insights from the time of prayer and have a closing prayer together.  We shake hands or give a hug and venture into our day.  Nothing mind blowing here but just taking the time to gather to pray.

I do believe that this obedience to what God has directed us to do is making an impact not because of who we are but because of who we are praying to.  We pray to a great God and may you also find yourself in a place today to come before Him.



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