John 4:27-30 says...

Today's devotional verses are John chapter 4 and verses 27 through 30, which read,

v.27 - At this point His disciples came, and they were amazed that He had been speaking with a woman, yet no one said, "What do You seek?" or "Why do You speak with her?"

Jesus has been having a conversation with a Samaritan woman at Jacob's well.  We have found out that this Samaritan woman is living in a relationship that is not God honoring.  This could be the reason she is coming to the well when the other women are not.  Jesus exposes her life but He also exposes His life to her.  Jesus has just proclaimed that He is the Messiah.  He is the One who they were waiting to come.  He is the One to declare all things.  At this point the disciples who went to town to get food are arriving back and they have not been privy to all that has been said.

They reinforce what the woman questioned earlier about a Jewish man speaking to a Samaritan woman.  Why is their Rabbi talking with a woman, a Samaritan woman, and maybe by her dress it indicated her status or lifestyle.  They had questions in their minds about this but did not physically ask them.  They are dumbfounded by their Rabbi obviously breaking some Jewish rules.

We are also waiting to see how the Samaritan woman will respond to Jesus' words, "I who speak to you am He."  What will she say or do now with an audience of men rather than just one?

v.28, 29 - So the woman left her waterpot, and went into the city and said to the men, "Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done; this is not the Christ, is it?" 

The Samaritan woman leaves without what she came with.  She came to get water but she returns to town with something else. She went to get physical water and she comes proclaiming to her town the possibility of spiritual water, Jesus Himself.  Her response was to openly confess her sin before others that Jesus has exposed and point others to Him.  She has went from Jesus being just a Jewish man at Jacob's well to a prophet who knows some spiritual stuff to the possibility of being the actual Christ, the Messiah.

This mirrors when Jesus heals the blind man in the temple area.  The blind man calls Jesus first a man and then a prophet and then when face to face with Jesus, Lord.  I think this mirrors us also who are introduced to this physical man named Jesus who then provides insights that are definitely heavenly and pure like a prophet would do and at some point He will present Himself as someone we need to call out to as Lord.  We will drop everything, confess our sins, and point others to Him just like the woman at the well.

v.30 - They went out of the city, and were coming to Him.

Instead of Jesus going to the city, the city is coming to Him.  The disciples are questioning Jesus speaking to one Samaritan woman and now they will be witnessing their Rabbi speaking to a whole city of Samaritans.  What will Jesus say?  What kind of teachable moment is this for Jesus' disciples?  This unlikely conversion is going to open up why Jesus is really here and what He is asking His disciples and us as His followers to do.  We will unpack that thought on Friday as Jesus turns His focus first on His disciples before the addressing the approaching crowd of Samaritans.  Let us pray.

"Heavenly Father, You are amazing.  You have such a plan that we don't know but we can be a part of.  Your interactions with individuals can bring whole towns to Your attention.  Help us to see how our own conversions can be used by You to impact many others.  Help us to drop our waterpots, confess our sins, and point others to You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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