Some thoughts and...Bible reading week 39, day 2

Sometimes I really don't know what to make of our world.  Our sin leads us down a road that logically leads to societal breakdown.  An erasing of any type of moral code or better yet, the creating of a new one where both exist produces a tension that won't go away until one side surrenders.  The majority becomes the minority and the minority becomes the majority.  If this happens will the new majority be compassionate to the new minority and their space in the world?  Will the new majority offer the same respect and adherence to the laws to the new minority?  My opinion based on what I see and hear is that the language of equality is there but the actions are very different.  It is because the actions are hard to live out.  Actions of equality need a moral code to guide them to do so and adherents who will live by that moral code no matter what.  This brings me back to sin because that is what affects whatever majority to renege on that moral code.  What do we do with sin?  Who can do anything about sin?  For one who is a Christian one name pops up and that is Jesus.  Just some random thoughts this Tuesday morning at the dining room table.  --Adam--


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