Bible reading week 37 and day 4 and some quotes...

Here are a couple quotes I have come across.  The first I used at our Team Training session.

"Prayer is not to be supplemental but instrumental to what we do."

Another comes from the book "Organic Outreach For Churches - Infusing Evangelistic Passion In Your Local Congregation" by Kevin G. Harney.  This is a re-read for me.  This paragraph always gets me.

"If a congregation is gripped by God's love and lavishes it freely on each other and their community, God will draw people to this church.  God is the one who draws people and softens hearts.  He is also the one who will stop spiritually curious people from coming to a church that will not introduce them to the amazing grace and love of Jesus."

May we be the first church rather than the second.  Maybe that is something to pray about.



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